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[Plugin - Prof] Allrounder - Does everything for Professions


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
Allrounder By ALPHA

What it does
well evrything..
makes darkmoon cards
binds leather and cloth
disenchants greens
guildwithdraw and guild deposit

nothing at the moment but will be adding

Ringo for code core
Highvolts for autosmelt code

Plugin is now uploaded to svn


if you dont know how to use a svn follow link
How to use SVN

Quick Zip for those who cant get access to SVN


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[B]All Ores & Herbs[/B]

2770, //Copper Ore
2771, //Tin Ore
2772, //Iron Ore
3858, //Mithril Ore
10620, //Thorium Ore
23424, //Fel Iron Ore
23425, //Adamantite Ore
36909, //Cobalt Ore
36912, //Saronite Ore
53038, //Obsidium Ore
52185, //Elementium Ore

2775, //Silver Ore
2776, //Gold Ore
7911, //Truesilver Ore
23427, //Eternium Ore
23426, //Khorium Ore
36910, //Titanium Ore
52183, //Pyrite Ore

2447, //Peacebloom
765, //Silverleaf
2449, //Earthroot
785, //Mageroyal
2450, //Briarthorn
2452, //Swiftthistle
2453, //Bruiseweed
3820, //Stranglekelp
3369, //Grave Moss
3355, //Wild Steelbloom
3356, //Kingsblood
3357, //Liferoot
3818, //Fadeleaf
3821, //Goldthorn
3358, //Khadgar's Whisker
3819, //Dragon's Teeth
4625, //Firebloom
8831, //Purple Lotus
8836, //Arthas' Tears
8838, //Sungrass
8839, //Blindweed
8845, //Ghost Mushroom
8846, //Gromsblood
13464, //Golden Sansam
13463, //Dreamfoil
13465, //Mountain Silversage
13466, //Sorrowmoss
13467, //Icecap
22786, //Dreaming Glory
22785, //Felweed
22789, //Terocone
22787, //Ragveil
22790, //Ancient Lichen
22793, //Mana Thistle
22791, //Netherbloom
22792, //Nightmare Vine
37921, //Deadnettle
36901, //Goldclover
36907, //Talandra's Rose
36904, //Tiger Lily
36903, //Adder's Tongue
36906, //Icethorn
36905, //Lichbloom
52983, //Cinderbloom
52984, //Stormvine
52986, //Heartblossom
52988, //Whiptail
52987, //Twilight Jasmine
39970, //Fire Leaf
52989, //Deathspore Pod
52985, //Azshara's Veil

39151, //Alabaster Pigment
39334, //Dusky Pigment
43103, //Verdant Pigment
39338, //Golden Pigment
43104, //Burnt Pigment
39339, //Emerald Pigment
43105, //Indigo Pigment
39340, //Violet Pigment
43106, //Ruby Pigment
39341, //Silvery Pigment
43107, //Sapphire Pigment
39342, //Nether Pigment
43108, //Ebon Pigment
39343, //Azure Pigment
43109, //Icy Pigment
61979, //Ashen Pigment
61980, //Burning Embers
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You can make a sifting of ore for jewelers?

I have already added a list with all the herbs & ores. ;o) Enjoy

[B]All Ores & Herbs[/B]

2770, //Copper Ore
2771, //Tin Ore
2772, //Iron Ore
3858, //Mithril Ore
10620, //Thorium Ore
23424, //Fel Iron Ore
23425, //Adamantite Ore
36909, //Cobalt Ore
36912, //Saronite Ore
53038, //Obsidium Ore
52185, //Elementium Ore

2775, //Silver Ore
2776, //Gold Ore
7911, //Truesilver Ore
23427, //Eternium Ore
23426, //Khorium Ore
36910, //Titanium Ore
52183, //Pyrite Ore

2447, //Peacebloom
765, //Silverleaf
2449, //Earthroot
785, //Mageroyal
2450, //Briarthorn
2452, //Swiftthistle
2453, //Bruiseweed
3820, //Stranglekelp
3369, //Grave Moss
3355, //Wild Steelbloom
3356, //Kingsblood
3357, //Liferoot
3818, //Fadeleaf
3821, //Goldthorn
3358, //Khadgar's Whisker
3819, //Dragon's Teeth
4625, //Firebloom
8831, //Purple Lotus
8836, //Arthas' Tears
8838, //Sungrass
8839, //Blindweed
8845, //Ghost Mushroom
8846, //Gromsblood
13464, //Golden Sansam
13463, //Dreamfoil
13465, //Mountain Silversage
13466, //Sorrowmoss
13467, //Icecap
22786, //Dreaming Glory
22785, //Felweed
22789, //Terocone
22787, //Ragveil
22790, //Ancient Lichen
22793, //Mana Thistle
22791, //Netherbloom
22792, //Nightmare Vine
37921, //Deadnettle
36901, //Goldclover
36907, //Talandra's Rose
36904, //Tiger Lily
36903, //Adder's Tongue
36906, //Icethorn
36905, //Lichbloom
52983, //Cinderbloom
52984, //Stormvine
52986, //Heartblossom
52988, //Whiptail
52987, //Twilight Jasmine
39970, //Fire Leaf
52989, //Deathspore Pod
52985, //Azshara's Veil

39151, //Alabaster Pigment
39334, //Dusky Pigment
43103, //Verdant Pigment
39338, //Golden Pigment
43104, //Burnt Pigment
39339, //Emerald Pigment
43105, //Indigo Pigment
39340, //Violet Pigment
43106, //Ruby Pigment
39341, //Silvery Pigment
43107, //Sapphire Pigment
39342, //Nether Pigment
43108, //Ebon Pigment
39343, //Azure Pigment
43109, //Icy Pigment
61979, //Ashen Pigment
61980, //Burning Embers
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Hope this right and is helpful

Alliance Strongbox object=3714
Ambermill Strongbox object=103815
Buccaneer's Strongbox object=123330
Burial Chest object=181665 
Practice Lockbox object=178244
Venture Co. Strongbox object=105176 
Primitive Chest object=184793
Large Iron Bound Chest object=74447
Lucius's Lockbox object=121264
Alliance Strongbox object=105570
Battered Footlocker object=179486
Duskwood Chest bject=123214
Gallywix's Lockbox object=129127
Waterlogged Footlocker object=179487
Benedict's Chest object=3239
Battered Footlocker object=179488
Battered Footlocker object=179490
Waterlogged Footlocker object=179491
Cozzle's Footlocker object=20691
Dented Footlocker object=179492
Large Mithril Bound Chest object=131978
Scarlet Footlocker object=179498
Bound Fel Iron Chest object=184931
Wicker Chest object=184740
Bound Adamantite Chest object=184936
Dented Footlocker object=184741
Bound Adamantite Chest object=184940
Scarlet Onslaught Trunk object=191543
Tanzar's Trunk object=186648
Battered Junkbox item=16882
Flame-Scarred Junkbox item=63349
Heavy Junkbox item=16885
Reinforced Junkbox item=43575
Strong Junkbox item=29569
Sturdy Junkbox item=16884
Worn Junkbox item=16883
Tiny Titanium Lockbox item=45986
Titanium Lockbox item=43624
Elementium Lockbox item=68729
Eternium Lockbox item=5760
Froststeel Lockbox item=43622
Heavy Bronze Lockbox item=4633
Iron Lockbox item=4634
Khorium Lockbox item=31952
Mithril Lockbox item=5758
Mysterious Lockbox item=19425
Ornate Bronze Lockbox item=4632
Reinforced Steel Lockbox item=4638
Steel Lockbox item=4637
Strong Iron Lockbox item=4636
Thorium Lockbox item=5759
Ar'tor's Lockbox item=30454
Borak's Lockbox item=30646
Grom'tor's Lockbox item=30429
Mist Veil's Lockbox item=12192
Silver Dawning's Lockbox item=12191
Thaumaturgy Vessel Lockbox item=7870
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thats right?

class Vendors
public static List<uint> _Vendorlist = new List<uint>
// Enter Ids for Vendoring Here
52191,//Ocean Sapphire
52190,//Inferno Ruby
52192,//Dream Emerald
52193,//Ember topaz

public static void Vendors2()
List<WoWUnit> unitList = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>();
List<WoWUnit> merchantList = new List<WoWUnit>();
foreach (WoWUnit u in unitList)

already been entered, and works as described above, if there is no place sells. If all the ore prospecting, bot stands and do nothing. Not sell the gems in bag
its easy enough to write out i added this feature for myself really so i know whats what on HB

added form1.cs and removed toon name on loadup


Does THIS PLUGIN detects, if only 3 or 4 - less than 5 herbs are in the bag, and will it sweitch than to the next herb to mill ? =)
is anyone still using this project?? if so ill update again but if not ill leave as dont really have time anymore
I read a few minutes ago about this project - and yes - i'll use it now :D
prospect, mill, ink, card are OK. But dischanting is buggy. Sometimes the bot changes items frequently, and after a few, it stopped DEing. My char just stand there.
tell me what you think need adding or changing for plugin to work best for you
Hello, I want to thank you for a very good plugin.

I have two comments to your plugin.

1. when you use the mail option takes all my herbs from email and does not want them miling. my bag is full and just stops HB
2. when i ask him inscription vendor to use, it use it but next time wont and plugin sold inks.
3. will be graet if you make ths ink Blackfallow Ink to change for Inferno Ink (Darkmoon Cards) :)
PS: if you want i will atach log :)
PS2: i wrote with google translator, sorry for my bad english :)
I use your plug-in everyday... it works 10x better than PB does at smelting/prospecting/milling/inking as pb has "lag" issues your plug in does not
I use your plug-in everyday... it works 10x better than PB does at smelting/prospecting/milling/inking as pb has "lag" issues your plug in does not

If i mill herbs - i have to mill more than 10k every time.
Your profile is very very awsome - works very very well.

I love it ;)