This is question or what?
If question - no. Use AlertMe for alert whispers.
No, it's not. Just tested right now. I try to whisper to myself - 0 results, ask guild to whisper me - 0 result.
Whispers does not alert, i already say it, idk why author say another words.
This plugin alert you only if your nick in chat. Also, it's not working with channels, only bg/party/raid/say.
And me too test it - no. It's not alert whispers.
You again attached 2 .cs file :/
and another in NN folder:
And i can't try right now because of 1400 queue on my server :/
Now whispers work, but in log i see only text, no nicks who whispered me:
No nick.
And also, can you make that plugin create logwhisper.txt for log whispers?