i dont know what i do wrong, i simply extract and copy the file into plugin file, and it make the bot act crazy (start-stopstart-stop) preventing me to close it without using alt-f4, in this exemple i stoped it before it restart the 1st time
2014-08-07 00:25:59,246 [1] INFO (null) - T: 5247115698015989461 H: 69086951
2014-08-07 00:25:59,800 [1] INFO (null) - ExilebuddyBETA is up to date!
2014-08-07 00:25:59,909 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Exilebuddy BETA Version: 0.1.2371.863
Path: C:\Users\<Username>\Desktop\BETA\ExilebuddyBETA.exe
OS Name: Windows 8
OS Edition:
OS Service Pack:
OS Version: 6.2.9200.0
OS Architecture: x64
2014-08-07 00:25:59,910 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - This is a BETA build of Exilebuddy. Please report any issues you encounter on the forums.
2014-08-07 00:25:59,910 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - This build may have critical bugs, or new features which may not be fully tested. Use at your own risk!
2014-08-07 00:26:01,376 [8] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.v2.IBot> - Initializing
2014-08-07 00:26:07,032 [8] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.v2.IRoutine> - Initializing
2014-08-07 00:26:07,036 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - Current bot set to ExilebuddyBot.
2014-08-07 00:26:09,773 [8] DEBUG ExampleRoutine (null) - [ExampleRoutine] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:09,808 [8] DEBUG ExilebuddyRoutine (null) - [ExilebuddyRoutine] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:11,532 [8] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.v2.IPlugin> - Initializing
2014-08-07 00:26:11,532 [1] DEBUG MainWindow (null) - Current routine set to ExampleRoutine.
2014-08-07 00:26:24,392 [8] DEBUG AutoFlask (null) - [AutoFlask] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:24,429 [8] DEBUG BotStats (null) - [BotStats] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:24,475 [8] DEBUG Chicken (null) - [Chicken] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:24,515 [8] DEBUG DominusFarm (null) - [DominusFarm] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:24,542 [8] DEBUG ExamplePlugin (null) - [ExamplePlugin] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:25,269 [8] DEBUG GemLeveler (null) - [GemLeveler] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:25,297 [8] DEBUG QuestRewards (null) - [QuestRewards] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:25,324 [8] DEBUG RandomWaits (null) - [RandomWaits] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:25,356 [8] DEBUG Scheduler (null) - [Scheduler] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:25,386 [8] DEBUG StuckDetection (null) - [StuckDetection] Initialize
2014-08-07 00:26:25,432 [8] DEBUG DominusFarm (null) - [DominusFarm] OnEnable
2014-08-07 00:26:25,459 [8] DEBUG GemLeveler (null) - [GemLeveler] OnEnable
2014-08-07 00:26:25,484 [8] DEBUG StuckDetection (null) - [StuckDetection] OnEnable
2014-08-07 00:26:25,650 [8] INFO MainWindow (null) -
Please read the following guide before using this program:
ExilebuddyBeta User's Guide
2014-08-07 00:26:29,116 [1] INFO BotManager (null) - [Start] Now creating the BotThread.
2014-08-07 00:26:29,145 [14] DEBUG ExilebuddyBot (null) - [ExilebuddyBot] OnStart
2014-08-07 00:26:29,146 [14] DEBUG ExilebuddyBot (null) - [OnStart] MsBetweenTicks: 1.
2014-08-07 00:26:29,185 [14] DEBUG ExilebuddyBot (null) - [OnStart] Now setting the default explorer (TspExplorer).
2014-08-07 00:26:29,188 [14] DEBUG DominusFarm (null) - [DominusFarm] OnStart
2014-08-07 00:26:29,194 [14] DEBUG ExampleRoutine (null) - [ExampleRoutine] OnStart
2014-08-07 00:26:29,196 [14] DEBUG ExilebuddyBot (null) - [OnStart] RegisterDefaultPois: True.
2014-08-07 00:26:29,197 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [resurrect] A poi to execute resurrection logic..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,198 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [clear_cursor] A poi to place any item left on the cursor into the inventory..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,191 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [dominus_logic] A poi to execute dominus kill..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,191 [14] DEBUG GemLeveler (null) - [GemLeveler] OnStart
2014-08-07 00:26:29,192 [14] DEBUG StuckDetection (null) - [StuckDetection] OnStart
2014-08-07 00:26:29,195 [14] DEBUG Explorer (null) - [Start] TspExplorer
2014-08-07 00:26:29,203 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [door] A poi to execute door opening logic..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,203 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [combat] A poi to execute combat logic through Routines..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,200 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [washed_up] A poi to handle the character being in the washed up state..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,199 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [assign_move_skill] A poi to handle assigning the move skill if it's not already on the skill bar..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,201 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [aura] A poi to execute aura logic through Routines..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,202 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [buff] A poi to execute buff logic through Routines..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,204 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [town_run] A poi to go back to town during the middle of a bot run..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,210 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [sort_inventory] A poi to sort the main inventory by moving items towards the top left corner..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,205 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [shrine] A poi to execute shrine logic..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,206 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [loot] A poi to execute looting logic..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,208 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [chest] A poi to execute chest opening logic..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,209 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [merge_inventory] A poi to handle merging the inventory into full stacks..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,215 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [handle_inventory_items] A poi to manage inventory items that are not stashed..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,211 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [id] A poi to identify items in inventory in and out of town..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,212 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [sell] A poi to vendor items..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,218 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [travel_to_grind_zone] A poi to travel to the next area until we are at the requested grind zone..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,213 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [stash] A poi to stash the contents of inventory when we are in town..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,214 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [withdraw] A poi to withdraw items from stash when we are in town..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,221 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [explore] A poi to execute explore logic using Explorer..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,216 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [use_loose_candle] A poi to use the Loose Candle to open the doorway to The Archives..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,217 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [portal_back_to_grind_zone] This poi contains logic for returning to the grind zone after making a town run mid-run..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,229 [14] DEBUG ExilebuddyBot (null) - [OnStart] RegisterDefaultItemCalcuators: True.
2014-08-07 00:26:29,219 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [tag_waypoint] A poi to auto-tag a waypoint if we do not have it already..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,230 [14] DEBUG ExilebuddyBot (null) - [OnStart] RegisterDefaultChestCalcuators: True.
2014-08-07 00:26:29,220 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [take_coruppted_area] A poi to take corrupted areas..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,224 [14] DEBUG PoiManager (null) - [Add] Now adding [exploration_complete] A poi to execute the exploration complete logic..
2014-08-07 00:26:29,228 [14] DEBUG ExilebuddyBot (null) - [OnStart] RegisterDefaultCombatCalcuators: True.
2014-08-07 00:26:29,443 [14] DEBUG AreaStateCache (null) - Adding location ["Waypoint"][10630] = {219, 211} for area [0xB30A8F10]
2014-08-07 00:26:29,445 [14] DEBUG AreaStateCache (null) - [OnTick] Setting AnchorPoint to {197, 307} for 3003813648.
2014-08-07 00:26:30,879 [14] ERROR BotManager (null) - [Tick] Exception during execution:
Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.Exception: GuessTownExitLocation called when curArea = 3_3_town for exit The Upper Sceptre of God
at Loki.Bot.v2.Utility.GuessAreaTransitionLocation(String townExitName)
at Loki.Bot.Logic.Bots.ExilebuddyBot.Logic.Pois.All.TravelToGrindZonePoi..()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Loki.Bot.Logic.Bots.ExilebuddyBot.Poi.PoiManager..()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
at Loki.Bot.Logic.Bots.ExilebuddyBot.ExilebuddyBot..()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine...()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume()
at Loki.Bot.Logic.Bots.ExilebuddyBot.ExilebuddyBot.OnTick()
at Loki.Bot.v2.BotManager.(IBot )
2014-08-07 00:26:30,893 [14] DEBUG ExilebuddyBot (null) - [OnTick] The bot coroutine has finished in a state of Faulted
2014-08-07 00:26:30,894 [14] INFO BotManager (null) - [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
2014-08-07 00:26:30,895 [14] DEBUG ExilebuddyBot (null) - [OnTick] Attempting to start the bot again.
2014-08-07 00:26:30,908 [14] DEBUG ExilebuddyBot (null) - [ExilebuddyBot] OnStop
2014-08-07 00:26:30,912 [14] DEBUG Explorer (null) - [Stop] TspExplorer
2014-08-07 00:26:30,915 [14] DEBUG GemLeveler (null) - [GemLeveler] OnStop
2014-08-07 00:26:30,920 [14] DEBUG ExampleRoutine (null) - [ExampleRoutine] OnStop
2014-08-07 00:26:30,914 [14] DEBUG DominusFarm (null) - [DominusFarm] OnStop
2014-08-07 00:26:30,916 [14] DEBUG StuckDetection (null) - [StuckDetection] OnStop