Pretty straightforward, run this with only auto flask + CorruptedAreaTweaks + StuckDetection
Report any bug, don't do this on hardcore, it ignores all mobs in Docks and runs straight to the corrupted area, so if you don't wanna die, don't do this.
Also can be detectable/bannable because of instance spam but there's an internal limiter within exilebuddy to prevent that and you can always do this with frame timing attack anyway so it's something that's doable manually as well.
Settings for BasicGrindBot :
Mainly made this so i can have nearly infinite ressource to try atziri and make my atziri bot
Report any bug, don't do this on hardcore, it ignores all mobs in Docks and runs straight to the corrupted area, so if you don't wanna die, don't do this.
Also can be detectable/bannable because of instance spam but there's an internal limiter within exilebuddy to prevent that and you can always do this with frame timing attack anyway so it's something that's doable manually as well.
Settings for BasicGrindBot :
Mainly made this so i can have nearly infinite ressource to try atziri and make my atziri bot
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