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New Member
Nov 28, 2015
[Plugin] Companion Gift Giver
Install: Unzip the file and place the folder in your Buddywing\Plugins folder.

1.) For a profile, please use the Combat Bot profile provided on the forums (I'm not sure where it is now, but I'll include a copy in this thread just in case).
2.) This plugin is defaulted to assume that you will put the appropriate gift item in quickslot 1. You can change this in the plug-in by changing the "QuickSlot" variable to whichever quick slot you'd like to use.


Okay, I am not a coder. All credit to those that have gone before me. I simply took the snowball plugin code and edited out pretty much all of it! This simply uses whatever gift you place in slot 1 and gives it to the active companion. It does not check to see if your companion like, loves the gifts etc, that part is up to you! The timer actives every 4 seconds, so you can give stacks of whatever gift you have to a single companion fairly quick.

Thing to add still - If anyone figures this out, please feel free to help out ;)

--check to see if the companion loves / likes the current gift loaded in slot 1

Future plans: I would love to make it look at the crewskillsoptions class and be able to run crew skill missions that return companion gifts. I have to learn more about how to code for one, but also how to use the classes. For now, this will do the job of me not having to click 50 million times! I would be thrilled if another actual programmer looked at this and developed a plugin to run multiple types of missions or just a single mission type. In the mean time, I will fiddle with this one a little more and then attempt what I really want to do.


View attachment Companion Gifter.zip
View attachment Combat Bot.xml
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Lonestr thanks for the plugin, I took it as a base and completely re-wrote it. Check out the 2.0 gift giver plugin. Thanks for your hard work.