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[Plugin] Act 2 Bandits and Misc Quests


Community Developer
Nov 8, 2013
[Plugin] Act1-3 Quest Bot Plugin



From Act 1 Twilight Normal to Act 3 Merciless in one go, we're all done now =).
Will Auto Pick-up gem and weapon at start of a new character.
Does All Main Quests to progress to next act, and eventually kill Dominus at Act 3 Merciless. After which it will stop in town upon killing Act 3 Merciless Dominus.
It works well when it has good equipment, and is taken care of, like anything.
Really simple to use, like I've made it fool proof.
Auto Equipment ( Does Not work at the moment)

How to Use :
Make Sure "Enable" is checked.
Choose The acts you want the bot to work on.
The bot will work on whatever difficulty you are on, or if a new character Normal, so make sure you are on the correct difficulty, else it will just progress through completed quests.
Choose Bandits from Bandits: List
Choose Either Primary or Optional Quests (Optional is NOT implemented yet).
Debug is for those who want to see lots of text spam.
Click Start and there we go.
Have Fun.

Ok, people keep pming me and asking.
Oh and if you buy games or w/e, and want to help me out, try
Buy your Path of Exile Points from them.
5% discount codes All used up.

They are all used up, working towards getting a permanent 5% discount code with G2A, but they want certain conditions to be meet before that happens. So if you do decide to buy anything game wise or points wise please use the G2A links or
It will help me towards getting a permanent 5% off for anyone who uses my link Thanks!

Lots of thanks to Pushedx for the help, and other crazy stuff I would never have figured out.
The Bug reporters of earlier versions, without you, I would have never gotten all the bugs fixed.
If you are someone looking to Dev, I suggest you pm Pushedx and ask for his skype. He's the magical helper you need to fix problems lol.

01-01-2015 - Changelog 6.1 Build

Added Features:
Re-Worked GUI
Optimizations again.
Quest Tweaks, to make things faster.
Optional Quests are not implemented, it's a place holder at the moment.
KillAllBandits and getting Apex from that lazy son of a gun NPC.

Bug Fixes :
Null Errors.
GUITick Based Errors, using AquredFrame.
Tick Based Errors
GUI Threads now work in GUI threads, and API Threads in theirs.
Does not break AdvangeGrindZoneChanger, now when Plugin gets Disabled, so does the tasks, in order to optimize and programmer thing stuff, I'm not drunk.

Auto Equip flasks based on what NPC has to offer
Auto Grind Levels so Progression can actually happen instead of dying.
Other quests for items like skills and etc
PlaceHolder for Intergeration with ExVault's Amazing MapRunner Plugin, I have to talk to him, haven't yet, Too Shy.
PlaceHolder for AdvangeGrindZone Changer, based on deaths, will trigger the plugin to run, grind, and continue on. Have to ask Pushedx on how to inter-plugin-varible-mingle.
Other things, too tired.

Until Next Update

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Old builds

29-11-2014 - Changelog 5.3 Build

Added Features:
Fixed Twilight Strand
Kill All Finally added.
Some Stuff I Forgot.
Optional Quests are not implimented, it's a placeholder at the moment.

Bug Fixes :
Help Bandits finally fixed, it will go to bandit if it misses them to get Apex.

Auto Equip flasks based on what NPC has to offer
Auto Grind Levels so Progression can actually happen instead of dying.
KillAllBandits and getting Apex from that lazy son of a gun NPC. (lol it's never going to get finished)
Other quests for items like skills and etc( prob later, going to work on maps, once this is stable)

Many thanks to Pushedx for this update, helped me with lots of problems I encountered and I learned many new things I can put to use.

Until Next Update​
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24-11-2014 - Changelog 5.0 Build

Added Features:
Plugin Will Now, based on your new character class;
If Level 1, In Twilight Strand, 0 EXP. Basically a new character,
Will Pickup weapon, talk to exile, kill zombie, equip skill gem, and finally auto put the skill onto slots 4-8 randomly, and set the appropriate slot index on ExampleRoutine.
Grind Zone Level Limit, enter an interger for how many levels Over the grind zone the bot can be, if it's over the specified Level, the bot will stop to prevent over-leveling in that grind zone, just a anti-ban precaution.

Bug Fixes :
None Really I think.

Auto Equip flasks based on what NPC has to offer
Auto Grind Levels so Progression can actually happen instead of dying.
KillAllBandits and getting Apex from that lazy son of a gun NPC. (lol it's never going to get finished)
Other quests for items like skills and etc( prob later, going to work on maps, once this is stable)

Many thanks to Pushedx for this update, helped me with lots of problems I encountered and I learned many new things I can put to use.

Until Next Update​
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18-11-2014 - Changelog 4.7 Build

Bug Fixes :
Fixed Checking of Zone Levels, when in town it will not throw an exception any more.
FIxed death counter, will correctly show deaths in that instance. This was done by using GameEventManagerOnPlayerDied class and telling it to update GUI, Thanks Pushedx for the help.
-Death counter used with Zone Levels, will be intergerated to do a death check, if X death on current Quest, check Zone Level, go grind some more levels, then continue Progression. Sounds easy, hard to implement.
Trying to get Mervail Fight to dodge the water Gysers she puts out, via Loki.Game.LokiPoe.ObjectManager.WaterGeysers. Not implemented but in the works, this might be better used in a CR.

Auto Equip Items based on class at act 1 Twilight.
Auto Equip flasks based on what NPC has to offer
Auto Grind Levels so Progression can actually happen instead of dying.
KillAllBandits and getting Apex from that lazy son of a gun NPC. (lol it's never going to get finished)
Other quests for items like skills and etc( prob later, going to work on maps, once this is stable)

Until Next Update​
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17-11-2014 - Changelog 4.6c Build
Re-Upload of a reupload, lol. For the Border size issue with buttons.
Re-Uploaded, please try again.
This some minor updates
Some new code for counting deaths in an instance, thanks Pushedx.
Figured how to load level info from a text file, this will be added to AdvanceGrindZoneChanger for zone changing stuff

Bug Fixes :
Minor Tweaks to optimization.
Fixed some minor stuff
Gui Stuff
Fancy Gui stuff I learned baml and etc

Auto Equip Items based on class at act 1 Twilight.
Auto Equip flasks based on what NPC has to offer
Auto Grind Levels so Progression can actually happen instead of dying.
KillAllBandits and getting Apex from that lazy son of a gun NPC. (lol it's never going to get finished)
Other quests for items like skills and etc( prob later, going to work on maps, once this is stable)

Until Next Update​
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12-11-2014 - Changelog 4.5 Build

I Derped, Its Missing A file Named QuestPluginSettings.cs
So If you did a clean copy it would give errors.
And Also derped in Assembly it was looking for QuestPlugins, it should be QuestPlugin

Stable, Let me know if there are any issues.

Bug Fixes :
Some Code-Behind stuff
Gui Stuff
Stuff of Stuff, that I forgot to Stuff.

Auto Equip Items based on class at act 1 Twilight.
Auto Equip flasks based on what NPC has to offer
Auto Grind Levels so Progression can actually happen instead of dying.
KillAllBandits and getting Apex from that lazy son of a gun NPC. (lol it's never going to get finished)
Other quests for items like skills and etc( prob later, going to work on maps, once this is stable)

Until Next Update​
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07-11-2014 - Changelog 4.0 Build
Down atm, fixing some issues that showed up recently that were not present during my tests.

Ok, looks like we're stable build and I've ran it many, many times. Let me know if that are any issues.

Bug Fixes :
Bunch of things I fogot but it should run smooth now, and less stops needed.

Auto Equip Items based on class at act 1 Twilight.
Auto Equip flasks based on what NPC has to offer
Auto Grind Levels so Progression can actually happen instead of dying.
KillAllBandits and getting Apex from that lazy son of a gun NPC. (lol it's never going to get finished)
Other quests for items like skills and etc( prob later, going to work on maps, once this is stable)

Until Next Update​

27-10-2014 - Changelog 3.8 Build

Ok All done now for Progressing. It will get you from Act 1 Normal Twilight Strand to Act 3 Merciless and Kill Dominus, getting you ready to map.

Bug Fixes :
Fixed Apex Issue, it will do Vaal now, thanks hansmeier again for the bug report.
Fixed Lagging Issue, code being looped.
Fixed Logic Issue in Various Stages, it will continue no matter what
Fixed GUI Update Issue
Fixed Another Update Loop
Fixed Issue with being in Town and Not updating Quest
Other Fixes I totally forgot but things work =).

Quest Update only when Quests are done and not on area changes
Auto Equip Items based on class at act 1 Twilight.
Auto Equip flasks based on what NPC has to offer
Auto Grind Levels so Progression can actually happen instead of dying.
KillAllBandits and getting Apex from that lazy son of a gun NPC. (lol it's never going to get finished)
Other quests for items like skills and etc( prob later, going to work on maps, once this is stable)
More info on GUI
Start Button fix, hopefully I'll get pushedx's new xaml thing in.

Again, THANK YOU GUYS, for buying points at
https://www.G2A.com/r/darkbluefirefly )
I'm really happy I put the link there, you are all awesome.
Buy Points to Spend on PoE, I get a little commission, both win-win.
Oh and Also thank you kinds strangers, I have 3 extra keys =).

Until Next Update​
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23-10-2014 - Changelog 3.3 Build
99% done now. Should have no issues anymore.
Bug Fixes :
Inside HandleAliraKill, the name of the npc was Kraityn and not Alira, I forgot Kraityn had a sex change to Alira, thanks hansmeier for the bug report.
Piety Fix is in, should continue instead of waiting on stuck detection to kick in.
Sewer Grating and Undying Blockage are now called from ProgressAct3 as well, in case there were unforeseen issues causing the tasks not to load, therefore screwing up the whole quest progression.
The GUI should be mostly up to date now, had a fix in.
Some small optimizations were in( I hope they work).

KillAllBandits and getting Apex from that lazy son of a gun NPC. (lol it's never going to get finished)
Other quests for items like skills and etc( prob later, going to work on maps, once this is stable)
More info on GUI
Start Button fix, hopefully I'll get pushedx's new xaml thing in.

THANK YOU GUYS, for buying points at
https://www.G2A.com/r/darkbluefirefly )
Which gave me some money again. Thanks again. you're all so awesome!

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22-10-2014 - Changelog 3.1 Build
Ok, lots of changes.
Stuff should be mostly fixed now, I changed the GUI to another thread as it was waiting to get an empty thread to update. I made the mistake of adding the core of the bot into the GUI, so while waiting for the bot to update the quest info, bot would not work properly.
What is does now is GUI is inside TICK, so it updates when it has an available thread.
Core Quest Bot updates are inside it's own thread kinda so It actually does the logic like I want it to now.
The GUI will be 50% of the time incorrect with it's current info until Invoke for the GUI Update gets called and successfully completes.
Will have to live with it for now until I figure out more of how to handle it.
Should be no more issues aside from
Kill All Bandits(lol).

It's optimized now, and will chain acts Act1 Normal > Act 2 Normal > Act3 Normal > Act 1 Cruel ... > Act 3 Merciless.
I have to add an option to press ESC when you talk to Lady Dalilamma for the first time.
Oh and thank you kind strangers ( I think 12 purchases were made for PoE Points through https://www.G2A.com/r/darkbluefirefly )
Which gave me some money. Thanks again.

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20-10-2014 - Changelog 3.0 Build

Ok, it will finally go from Act 1 Normal to Act 3 Merc within one run if possible ( probably not due to gearing your character).
Issues you will have if ;
- If you get a Json error, please delete QuestPlugin/SettingsGui.xaml
- If act 1 it's not doing mud flats, or act 2, it's trying to interact with the Tree Roots without the required items, please check your GrindZoneDifficulty.
- Does not fully get you the Apex if you choose Kill all, I'm very lazy with this one lol.

That should be it. Here's a link for something if you want to help me out, I really can't accept donations, so if you buy games, buy items or w/e use this link to buy.
It gives me a little refer bonus, which is great.
Oh Um they are reseller of Path of Exile points and other things, so if you are thinking of buying points and whatnot, use my referral link. Thanks again.

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20-10-2014 - Changelog 2.4 Build

Act 3 all done, and it should be able to go from act1-3 and kill dominus now.
Going to sleep, so try it and let me know. Ty.
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20-10-2014 - Changelog 2.3 Build

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DO NOT USE ON HARDCORE/BEYOND, you WILL risk your character dying, I did not add a check for if monsters around to update quests(when quests gets updated 1-3 second freeze on Exilebuddy).
K back at this, um Act1- 2 all done except for Kill All, you have to talk to NPC, I haven't gotten to it yet, will do it after this message.
You can try by making a new Character on twilight strand(i'll add the option to kll the zombie, grab gem and equip it latter).
Select The bandit quest, select Progress 1, Progress 2. Click Start on either tabs, and come back like 8~ hours latter, you should be in act 3.

There is a 1-3 Second Freeze on Quest Updates, Exilebuddy will freeze
- On act changes/area changes
- On Key Quest Completion, IE killed a bandit.
- On Refresh Button Click.
Start button will start the bot without the need to switch to the main tab to start, the caption will not switch to start stop yet, be warned
Act 3 Logic is done and working fine, testing 20~ acs atm from Twilight Normal on a level 1 char til Cruel Diff. I'll release when there are no issues, meaning, 20/20 is in cruel the next day without me touching them.

As Always please post errors.

17-10-2014 - Changelog 2.1 Build

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Quick Fix for Corrupted zones, and bot should work now without hicups. Had to fix a Remove task not triggering for Kill All, Eramir still not added yet.
Currently will do
Twilight Act 1 - Vaal Act 2, as long as your are well equipped. Please report bugs, I know I missed some as it's like 5 am atm, and I work in 3 hours.

Edit - yea Kill All option will be broken until I add Eramir into the logic. Bot will loop at bandits due quest states for all 3 bandits = -1, when I interact with Eramir, problem solves itself. Now just gota add logic to it, but sleep first.

16-10-2014 - Changelog 2.0 Build

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==========> Turn Off TakeCorruptedAreas under BasicGrindBot, Have a check in there, but will need to code around it.
-Quick Update, Progress 2 works now. When this is selected, the bot will auto clear act 2 for you. Please have At least one of the options;
Kill All Bandits
Help Alira
Help Oak
Help Kraityn

Checked, and be in act 2, anywhere. Have Progress Act 2 checked as well, click start, come back and You should be in act 3.

Oh, for Kill All, you have to manually grab the Apex from The NPC in town, I haven't coded that in yet, it's pretty simple, just rather get act 3 working right. Chances of someone killing all the bandits in Normal and Cruel is very, very slim, therefore it's on the bottom of the list to do.

Act 3 has issues, which I'm resolving, after I clear my bot and RMT my goods, i'll start on Act 3. Might take me 2-3 days tops.

16-10-2014 - Changelog 2.0 Build

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Been some time, Was busy figuring stuff out, almost all done. This version HAS bugs, lots of it. Some I already know of and i'm fixing it atm. Problem is I've gotten all my bots past dom on merc, so I'm waiting for my ip providers to get me some more ips, should be today. Then I'll run the bot with my full run script, meaning, act 1 twilight to act 3 dom in one go. Of course the auto equip based on item isn't in yet. So aside from that the plugin should get you there based on your quests, and will probably integrate char level so you don't over grind areas to avoid bans.
- Clarissa has some logic issue, which is getting fixed via integration of quest states.
- Please baby sit and see prior to leaving it alone. It will sometimes stop and spam into log, if it does please post what it is.

Oh, I won't be on for a few days, have to go back managing bots, inventory are all full like 10 tabs lol. And I gotta give some time to my child as i've been neglecting him by putting most of my free time figuring this out, it was fun, but real life priorities. I'll still read+ reply, but won't update changes and etc until I get a final build.

08-10-2014 - Changelog 1.0 Build

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- Fixed Bandit issues, had typos in their names, I did copy/paste fail.
- Optimized some things, forgot what, but I'm 99.999999% sure it's more optimized then before.

- Dicking around with Act 3, should be done soon.
- Adding Option to auto run from Southern Forest(not in yet but it's getting worked on)
- Going to Add Level vs Current Area checks, therefore if CharLevel > Area Level && BotHasRanInAreaOnce, Bot will stop. GGG Banning Counter-measures.
- Gibberish here
- Gibberish there.​

Beginning Of Time - Initial Release

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Yw, lmk if any issues. Tested it mostly in 30+ fps, lower like 15 sometimes skips, but fixes on next run.
You are the man! This should help out with getting back on my feet :) thanks bro!
You are the man! This should help out with getting back on my feet :) thanks bro!
Yea np, I'm just trying something,
More people GGG has to ban = less chance of me being in the bigger pool.
Bigger the pool, the smaller percentage of me getting banned is XD.
not sure but I have the plugin enabled, map broken bridge loaded, kill all bandit selected in plugin, but every time the bot just pass by the bandit without interaction. m'i doing something wrong ? also edited file as mentioned in first post.

thanks in advance
not sure but I have the plugin enabled, map broken bridge loaded, kill all bandit selected in plugin, but every time the bot just pass by the bandit without interaction. m'i doing something wrong ? also edited file as mentioned in first post.

thanks in advance
it will do bandit when near 90% > map exploration completion, it's because I added the task before ExploreTask
try changing it to ExplorationCompleteTask and see if it does it earlier.
Only way to make it prioritize bandit is to tell the CR that the bandit has highest priority. Which I do not know how to do yet.
I changed everything that's needed, and tried to start it, however it is just farming the zone I choose in the basic grind bot, is this automated and should change its own zone, or?
Last edited:
I changed everything that's needed, and tried to start it, however it is just farming the zone I choose in the basic grind bot, is this automated and should change its own zone, or?
Hey, so what happens is-
It only activates if the zones are zones that have bandits. so your GrindBotSettings zone must be the bandit zone, if it's another zone and you expect it to do, let's say Oak. It won't.
So you have to set your grind zone to the bandit's zone and let it run, it will do bandits, sometimes earlier sometimes near exploration > 90%. I'm still trying to figure out how to make it do the bandit as soon as it sees it.
I'm at work but pushing an update, and maybe act 3. I forgot to do Act 1 Glyph so i'm working on that tonight.
I want to say a big thanks. And if there is a chance to donate pls say it. I would love you if you keep up this good work. <3
What are you thinking for a3? clicking on clarissa when she's found open sewer grate and dominus temple door?
What are you thinking for a3? clicking on clarissa when she's found open sewer grate and dominus temple door?
Um Aact 3 is done, and also act 1, just polishing it.

No need to donate, if you feel like spending money, buy more buddy keys, help them out because of their great coder pushedx, we have this today.