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yo just downloaded the program on my new pc entered my details on the bot like normal but it keeps telling me to enter my shop password........... any ideas?
Today I bought one day of Honorbuddy, and when I was finished I recived a mail,
Greetings ...........,
This is your Honorbuddy Key: .......................
Please put this Key on the Login Window of Honorbuddy do not use any Password, this Key has 1 Sessions and lasts 1 Days from the time of first use.
This Key is attached to your email address (which was used on the Gate2Shop Checkout Page), you can see your keys online at Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal once registered there using the same email.
When I try to log in with this information on the buddyforum it doesn't work, I type in the code I got in the mail at the username box, and after that it only says it's wrong, what am I supposed to do?