So I've been doing some manual herbing in Twilight Highlands on my server, because my char keeps dying by itself, but some bot here keeps ninjaing my nodes. He's been botting for 3 days straight and is starting to pis me off. I wont give out the name nor realm, but it's a level 82 SHAMAN. Please take a break, before someone starts watching for bots in TH.
I tried starting my bot and used Tony's TH profile, and after a few minutes i was RIGHT behind him, following his every move, so I bet hes using the same profile..
I dont want to be an ass, because I wouldnt want to be reported myself, but this guy is making it even harder herbing there, than it already is.
I've already tried to whisper him, but it's kindda pointless when he is afk..
I tried starting my bot and used Tony's TH profile, and after a few minutes i was RIGHT behind him, following his every move, so I bet hes using the same profile..
I dont want to be an ass, because I wouldnt want to be reported myself, but this guy is making it even harder herbing there, than it already is.
I've already tried to whisper him, but it's kindda pointless when he is afk..