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PiroxBots is Closing, All Aboard thebuddyforum


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2011
Piroxbots.com is closing down, no notice until the last minute and we can't post as PiroX made the thread read-only... have no idea what he has offered blizzard but hopefully it wasn't customer details.

Not much thought for the people who were running business there (and there were quite a few), imagine PiroX with his money in his hand running away from his customers because that's how it feels.

EDIT1: We've found out that PiroX did not give away details of customers, and was bound legally from speaking about it... although to be fair It would have been a hard choice to stand down and lose his own business, I hope that if Honorbuddy succeeds in it's legal battle we will see the return of both Aiobot [ Bossland edit: AIO BOT was not afflicted by the visits/closures from Rod Rigole in Germany] and Piroxbots as they reside in the same country and are bound by the same laws (Judges usually look at other court cases which are similar especially on technical cases, and usually act in the same way)... as they stopped because they were legally prohibited from selling their software, hopefully this case will overturn blizzard legal hold on other automation software.
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I always knew kick rocked ... even PiroX had to bow down to me!


A few things for potential new customers:

1x Elite (Lifetime) is 25 Euro
3x Elite (Lifetime) is 60 Euro

1x = 1 session to the server at once using HB2 (or GB1 - gb1 is a simple macro / flying gathering bot; GB2 in HB2 is much better!)
3x = 3 sessions to the server at once

you can kill your sessions here:

Buddy Auth

My questing profiles are here:

You have to use a SVN to download them all (also explained in the blog)

GB2 is our Gatherbuddy 2 Bot (all 'bots' are part of the Honorbuddy 2 'main bot')
AB is Archaeology Bot
BG Bot is for BG's
PvP Bot isn't really used - but you make your own profiles
IB2 is Instancebuddy - forum / user supported atm
'Fishing' Bots - Mr.Fishit, AutoAngler2 (not HB shipped, but easy to download and stick in the 'bots' folder)
CombatBot - fights for you w/o having to load a special profile
'LazyRaider' - Developed by Bobby53 - great for raiding / dungeons / etc. Alternative to CombatBot
Squire (plugin) - Developed by Bobby53 - great for healers in AV (attaches to someone else and heals them) - also great for other means
PartyBot / Leader - for Grinding only! Does not Fly!
Grind Bot - grinding only! Does not Fly!

If you're interested in making profiles - try grinding profiles inside of the quest bot (check out some of my professions profiles and see the grind areas)

If you have more questions - I don't take PM's... but you can ask them in this thread and most of the users know the answers

For C# advice / development - hit up the 'developers forum'

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Pirox is shady.
The Buddy Team will defend it's work until they either win or lose in court.
Settlements are for pussies.
Guess it's just a matter of time before same thing happens with Honorbuddy?

After all, it's against Blizzards rules. But I don't know how this "paperwork" goes.
Guess it's just a matter of time before same thing happens with Honorbuddy?

After all, it's against Blizzards rules. But I don't know how this "paperwork" goes.

Its not as simple as its against blizzards rules.

I dont know much about the legal side of things either but from what i gather, their main grounds for them suing HB is for copyright or something, the rest of the accusations are full on bshit and blizzard knows it.

This is german law too ;) i duno what piroxbot is but i know German law is on HB's side.
bossland is gona make a killing in January when all of those peeps come and use his bot, i'm jelly! :(
Its not as simple as its against blizzards rules.

I dont know much about the legal side of things either but from what i gather, their main grounds for them suing HB is for copyright or something, the rest of the accusations are full on bshit and blizzard knows it.

This is german law too ;) i duno what piroxbot is but i know German law is on HB's side.

Well I hope Honorboddy/Bossland win this fight.

And if NOT... well then I hope ALL of you who really enjoy/support botting STOP supporting Blizzard. I know the botting-community is quite big, so in that case Blizzard will at least lose some of their income. It's the least we can do as a countermeasure.
The Sad Part is we can't post on forums, not even when Glider went down they run out like this. I actually begin with Pirox a year before GB1. Buddy Team, please is better to let us know WTF is going on, than hiding in the pussicave. I feel violated! I luv both bots, they are different and they both have their pros and cons. So HB until the end then? Hall Ya!
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damnit I should of sold my pirox account. I havent even used it for like ever.