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Hey! Some months ago I used a pickpocket profile but later on there came a banwave that took out most of the pickpockers, but do you still get autobanned for pickpocketing because it was some months ago since I tried.
Have lost 8 pp accounts. After a few days. Honestly they do not last long. I would avoid them. Unless you want to keep sending money to blizz for new accounts.
When pandaria started i used the pickpoket bot made 500k (selling the weapons for 10-20k back then) Gold over one or two months 24/7 until the ban(72h)! but its was long time ago
Avoid it yeah, ive been botting long time in wow for lvling,bg,prof but that was my first ban.
PP is still alive and kicking. Kun-lai is still good about 650 per hour (24 hours as long as another rogue doesn't report you), Unga ingoo still nets around 950-1k an hour (if you have it all to yourself of course). Currently testing Unga as far as around the clock. Remember to have HBRelog settings tweaked, you avoid a flag by having the bot disconnect for an x amount of minutes avoiding any prolonged sessions.
I can't think of how many retards are running Sra'Vess in this thread, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THERE - YOU WILL BE BANNED.
Like I said, Kun-lai areas are good to go, currently testing unga.