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I'm currently looking for a pickpocket profile, mainly for BRD etc dungeons.
I tried one once, which moved inside the upper brd and pickpocket the orcs and then it left and reset dungeon, i was wondering if it was still here...
I'm currently looking for a profile that runs pickpocket in lower BRS and by macro delete crap that also gets picket, and when bags are full, it go out and fly to the nearest mailbox just outside in iron summit and repeat.
macro example for delete could be:
/run f=string.find;for b=0,4 do for s=1,32 do n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s);if n and(f(n,"Homemade Cherry Pie")or f(n,"An Exotic Cookbook")or f(n,"Roasted Quail")or f(n,"Superior Healing Potion")) then PickupContainerItem(b,s);DeleteCursorItem();end;end;end