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Permabanned today, 16/04/2014 after only 7-10 days of botting (reasonably)


New Member
Apr 10, 2014
Hello everyone,

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? HonorBuddy with Gatherbuddy2 + randomBuddy
2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: version up to date
3)If so, when was the last time?: this morning
4)What profile were you using?: randomBuddy (automatic random profile for gathering ore and herbs)
5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Blood DK
6)What plugins are you using?: randomBuddy only
7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: Less than 17h with always a pause of 7 hour straight (to simulate a human going to sleep).
8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 10%
9)How many auctions per day did you have?: 100-200 on a normal day but yesterday I decided to empty my bank and I raised to 400-500 auctions
10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No.
11)Was your account involved in gold selling? No, I do not bot for money
12)EU or US realm? EU
13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Very old account, bought before BC then I bought every extension when it was released.

I was very carefull with my bot, I didn't bot in the might to avoi any weird connection time, always stopped the bot for 7 hours in a row to simulate someone going to sleep.
I refused to use public profiles because a friend is using them and there is A LOT of people using them so I thought it would be better to make my own profiles for grinding (profiles made with the zaprecorder2 plugin) and to gather ores & plants I used randomBuddy to avoid other bots.

Be careful people !
Today get many person bans on eu?

I better stop for today and morning ;))

But i think 17 hour isnt very carefull

I bot just for 4 hour in a row with the same char and bot..

Now for 4 Months and never got a gm whisper or something ;))
When I say "less than 17 hours" it is to say I never break this limit, yesterday the bot ran 7 hours, the day before 4-6 hours, I played by myself (after restartingt he computer and without honorbuddy started) 2-4 hours more these days.
you've learned a valuable lesson, there is no "reasonably" with GB2. use it more than a couple hours per day TOTAL, get banned guaranteed
Another reason blizzard is on the ban trigger. They know lots will buy the character boost packages.
Good news !
I sent an email to appeal my permaban, I said something like "I would like to know why and for how long I'll be banned and if the ban is long I would like to be refunded of the pre order of WoD", 5 hours after ... "After looking your case we decided to not ban you forever and changed to a 72h ban"

I am already back in the game, thanks Blizz !
What Blizzard hates more than anything is when people affect the Auction house and currency, you can bot 24/7 leveling with a lower risk then posting 1-200 auctions a day. Even farming the herbs is probably less risk if your keeping most of it to yourself.
Can confirm, was perma banned 18th, appealed with exact text that u wrote :p, now 72h ban.

Big rep to you kind sir!
Randombuddy will not save you from any type of ban, it still hit enough nodes per minute for x amount of time to be flagged and auto-banned (no report necessary).