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Permabanned after 1 day (2/2)


New Member
Feb 13, 2013
I had these 2 accounts leveld to 90 about a month ago, just came back from a vacation. Paid for their GameTimeCards (23? each) and started farming 4 random zones, with random profiles every 30 minutes.
I had HBRelog set to this: 1 hour farming 2 hours break. After 4 hours the accounts got logged off and were banned.
As you can see, I also used a lot of plugins to make the bot as safe as possible.

So what was the mistake here? I can't see any, why is GB2 still available, if it gets you banned in 2 hours of using it?

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? I was using GatherBuddy2(Randomisation factor: 4)
2)If so, when was the last time?:

3)What profile were you using?:
Random profiles every 30 minutes in 4 different Zones (MoP)

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

5)What plugins are you using?
AvoidPlayers, BreakTaker, PlayerReportsDetector, RandomBuddy, LogMeOut

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

7)How many auctions per day did you have?:

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

9)Was your account involved in gold selling?

10)EU or US realm?

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

Hello xyz,
I have checked your account and can see that the third party software that we actioned was not Tmorph (which is indeed against the terms of use), it was actually an automated software to control your character and bot the game.
Since this is against the terms of use, I will not be overturning this action.

This is what I got, after applying for a review, how did they detect HB then though?
Also how come they got the account after just one (!) day of farming, for 2 hours, while they did nothing prior??

I have lots of experience botting and I used a lot of plugins to protect me from this happening.
Thats unbelivable... you botted 4hours and 8 hours with pause and they banned him? Omfg... -.- no idea - reports? but 2/2 perm sounds like script ban.

Did you bot in the past on this system and was banned? Or is this system a fresh install where never been banned any accounts?
Actually not quite.

I botted for 1 hour - 2 hour break and 1 hour again = 2 hours of botting 2 hours of pausing.

So I had 2 accounts botting for 2 hours and got banned after those 2 hours.
Yeah pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

Kind Regards
Tell me a little bit about your system. Did u bot in the past on that system and other accounts was banned in the past? I have a little oppinion but i am not sure. I have 6 systems and have see something what make me curious
Yes I did bot on this system a while back.
Feel free to PM me, if you want more information.

Kind Regards
99.9% player report. They cannot decect HB unless a report triggers the automated system and they do a research on ur wow memory
No a playerreport is almost impossible. I have the plugin "PlayerReportDetector" activated and in those 2 hours of farming, I only got targeted once by a guy 40m away from me.

So I can actually say, it was no playerreport that got me.
Also it hit 2 accounts, do you really think they both got reported while farming in 2 hours? The other account wasn't even targeted by an other player...

No a playerreport is almost impossible. I have the plugin "PlayerReportDetector" activated and in those 2 hours of farming, I only got targeted once by a guy 40m away from me.

So I can actually say, it was no playerreport that got me.
Also it hit 2 accounts, do you really think they both got reported while farming in 2 hours? The other account wasn't even targeted by an other player...


So i dont get you.Are you trying to say that HB is detected? Cause well, if not, there should be no other reason except report for Blizzard to ban you

To be honest, i will judge you from your appeal letter in blizzard:
''Hello xyz,
I have checked your account and can see that the third party software that we actioned was not Tmorph (which is indeed against the terms of use), it was actually an automated software to control your character and bot the game.
Since this is against the terms of use, I will not be overturning this action.''

Obviously u were trying to appeal with Tmorph excuse.Do you think that they are idiots and they dont have knowledge of their own game? Start doing research for stuff.You could have got ur accounts back easy.
Bad luck happens you know?

Becouse the forum isn't full of ban threads besides the usual ones it's not detected.

And stelios if they were certain he botted he woulden't have gotten his account back anyways it only takes the gm's looking at the account and seeing the botlike movement to not unban them.
So i dont get you.Are you trying to say that HB is detected?

Being a developer myself (even if not a "system expert"), I wonder how can you be so sure that the game cannot detect HB.
I mean: I know that a program can get the list of active processes on the Windows machine.

WoW can do it and they are allowed to do that: you agreed before accepting to play.

The only question is: do they do it "actively" and on a regular basis, or do they check that list just after a player report? The first one is possible and not a big task.

Ah, no, there's another question too: why the heck HB doesn't mask itself by using a different "description"? I can even rename the .exe but in the processes list I read "Honorbuddy" or something like that in the description...

Problem is, WoW could even check "memory" and search for a particular string/character sequence, but that (probably) is not possible unless you run the .exe with admin privileges, and a few of us don't do that.

How can it be a playerreport? I got targeted by one (!) player on one of the two accounts. And he was standing in town, near the mailbox. Do you really think that guy reported me and I got banned 1 hour later on both accounts?

I think they somehow flag my accounts, or they have a system that detects gather-bots. Since all I ever did on that account besides leveling was gathering. But still, 2 hours of farming shouldn't flag you account right?
Hello xyz,
I have checked your account and can see that the third party software that we actioned was not Tmorph (which is indeed against the terms of use), it was actually an automated software to control your character and bot the game.
Since this is against the terms of use, I will not be overturning this action.

This is what I got, after applying for a review, how did they detect HB then though?
Also how come they got the account after just one (!) day of farming, for 2 hours, while they did nothing prior??

I have lots of experience botting and I used a lot of plugins to protect me from this happening.

One possible could be - they have flagged your computer in the past, and just because of your vacantion the accounts were not witnessed by GM staff, and when the server alarms for your presence, some GM manually witnessed your gather botting.
That explains the answer of your first appeal. They generally are not easily willing to overtun manual bans.

How looks your ban emails?
Thats the thing what i think - i see in the past many many of my accs going down but ALL! was on systems where accs was banned before! 1 system is complete untouched! Maybe the save HWID and after login on that HWID they will check fast or a detection system will check the PC. I recommend to make a fresh installation, maybe after every ban do a new install of the OS.
It is a good way to use VM?s, to split the farm army on 1 pc to different "hwid?s"
They could barely use any kind of hardware id marks, but they got legal way to "label" your WoW/Windows Install by simple id on their namespace in the Windows Registry.
here is one of my appeal replies if you guys don't think they can detect hb

This is the latest response from Customer Support:
My name is Game Master wittyname, and I did the Final Review on your appeal in regards with your account suspension.

And going over the logs again I can see that you were constantly using a p.r.o.x.y to use a 3rd party program to automate your characters - charname- actions and movement.

Still using such programs is a serious offence against the Terms of Use, such is your case this suspension will not be overturned, ever.

We now view this case fully closed, so please do not send in more tickets in regards of this as the reply will not differ or your ticket maybe abandoned without any response at all.
here is one of my appeal replies if you guys don't think they can detect hb

This is the latest response from Customer Support:
My name is Game Master wittyname, and I did the Final Review on your appeal in regards with your account suspension.

And going over the logs again I can see that you were constantly using a p.r.o.x.y to use a 3rd party program to automate your characters - charname- actions and movement.

Still using such programs is a serious offence against the Terms of Use, such is your case this suspension will not be overturned, ever.

We now view this case fully closed, so please do not send in more tickets in regards of this as the reply will not differ or your ticket maybe abandoned without any response at all.

Using a ***** to use a 3rd party program? That makes no fucking sense. I am pretty shit you are getting BS over dude, i think thats just bad luck