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Permaban appealed to 72h


New Member
Mar 19, 2014
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Gatherbuddy2 and Grindbot

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: Release

3)If so, when was the last time?: 15-May

4)What profile were you using?: Multiple private farming routes

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Default - Feral Druid

6)What plugins are you using?: Just the basic ones -

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: approx. 12 hours per day - but in 2-3 hour increments with breaks

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? less than 20%

9)How many auctions per day did you have?: none on this account

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? I was use HBRelogger

11)Was your account involved in gold selling? No

12)EU or US realm? US

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid

So, this was a fresh account that I leveled using Kick's quest profiles all the way from 0-90 without any heirlooms or rest XP. Was farming about 5 days after hitting 90 - both ore and herbs. I tried to modify my previous experience when I was banned, and used HBRelogger to add more randomness to my botting, but I guess it wasn't enough. I built a profile that used 3-5 different routes in a given zone, and each route was only farmed for 10-15 minutes before changing. After 2-3 hours, I put in 35-45 minute breaks where the account logged out of WoW. After the breaks the bot would change zones and repeat. This would go for about 10-12 hours, and then stop. I thought this would be a pretty safe approach, but I guess not.

I'm just a guy trying to farm up stuff to get a good gold supply before WoD - I'm not into gold selling or anything like that. I have no interest in running some crazy number of accounts or anything. I was able to appeal and get the ban set to 72 hours, but I'm really at a loss for how to avoid the ban hammer. I made this toon on an extremely dead server, and for the times I monitored - usually 20-30 minutes every once in awhile - I usually never even saw another player. This isn't tied to my original battle.net - so noone that knows my other accounts would have any way to know who I was, so I think the odds of a player report are minimal, but who knows. My suspicion is that it is more to do with how much I was farming in a given amount of time or something, I dunno.

Does anyone have any thoughts about this? Maybe if I leveled a few other toons to do different tasks and used HBRelogger to just switch toons and do different things? My main goal is to just get as much as I can with HB and one account, short of getting banned again (I guess this is obvious lol). I mean - what is a "safe" farming schedule? Farm 2 hours - log out for X hours? X = 4, 6, 8 ? I really don't know.
I think the patterns of your profiles was so repeatable, that it detected lcp. You may want to just use randombuddy instead of your own custom ones. They change as often as you like and also can be as random as you like. Also, I recommend just farming 3-4 hours max. Don't get greedy...
also, did you sell anything on your main? I only ask because I am doing so and want to know your experience. I shuffle the ore i farm after its been placed in a shared gbank.
If it was empty server so maybe nodes/hour was a trigger ?
In such case plugin : gathersafe should be ok.

If I have good understand You have farmed with one character 12h with random breaks ?

Maybe better solution will be do 2 another chars in another realms and farm 3 hours/char/realm - but u need then someone who do the same and u can trade xrealm gold with him. Or If u dont want xrealm make another char on opposite faction and neutral AH swapping.

Imho farming one char more then 1,5-2h is risky.

My goal is to sell gold so in my case more servers more farmers is better then just one realm ...

If u got deal with other botter he can put farmer on your "empty server" and u can put your in his high populated and from time to time change xrossrealm your gold.

Question is xross realm gold trade allowed by blizz :) ? You change gold on server1 to gold on server 2 - it is not selling gold for real money :) So imho it should be ok .