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perma banned 3 account just now + 1 main account where i never used bot


Oct 29, 2012
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

2)If so, when was the last time?:
Right after last update till ban

3)What profile were you using?:
Easy Tokens by Gatherit on 1
Easy Tokens with reversal coordinates on 2nd
[AutoAngler] Giant Mantis Shrimp & Reef Octopus v0.2 on 3rd

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Moonking / Enha shaman / DPS monk

5)What plugins are you using?:
Mr Itemremover

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
allmost all the time when i dont sleep

7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
3 on bots and 1 main

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

9)Was your account involved in gold selling?
nope. just error 202 permaban

10)EU or US realm?

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

Have noticed quest behaivors in honorbuddy so i tryed to redownload and while i was doing it i received a ban.
If you had no connection or gain on your main account from the bots you could get it back.
If you had no connection or gain on your main account from the bots you could get it back.

Blizzard is matching accounts by IP/Hardware ID lately, they banned my main aswell even if i've never ever used a bot on it.
Blizzard is matching accounts by IP/Hardware ID lately, they banned my main aswell even if i've never ever used a bot on it.

Could you post your mains ban email? Was this a ban by association?

For example selling all items then sending gold to main or sending all items to main and selling on main, etc.

I used to do that, send 1m+ gold to my main, was never banned by association. However in future reference I have create separate bnet accounts for my bots and get the items to my main through a gbank.

Regardless the banned bot accounts are likely gone, however if you never actually botted on your main account you likely could get the ban reduced to a 72 hour.
I guess you sold some gold with your bot accounts and after blizzard detected such behavior they just rampage your entire IP, i lost 27 accounts 2 months ago like that. I doubt they will give you back your main account because they detected gold selling on your IP and everything will be shut down on that IP even if you didnt bot at all.
Hope you will get at least main back, but nowdays it is really hard to get any account back after they detected gold selling.
Then just open a ticket?


Shits were given about my two tickets, they stated that they had "solid proofs" that i was botting.
That toon (my main) never botted in his entire life. But i used to play it while botting on 6+ other accounts on the very same PC, and IP address. Did this for like 4 years, never had any problem. Guess the wind has changed...

Here's the email they sent me, unfortunately it's in italian, but i'm sure you can get most of it by using google translate.

Nome Account Battle.net: ********
Nome Account World of Warcraft: *********

Tipo di violazione: azione non autorizzata
Categoria di violazione: utilizzo di programmi di terze parti
Azione intrapresa: Sospensione Permanente

Ti informiamo che ? stata intrapresa un'azione contro il tuo account.

Ci dispiace dover intraprendere quest'azione, ma l'abbiamo deciso nell'interesse della comunit? di World of Warcraft e per l'integrit? del gioco stesso.

Per ulteriori informazioni e per rileggere le nostre regole e la nostra politica, visita la pagina all'indirizzo: http://eu.battle.net/support/it/games/wow/comportamento-e-sanzioni

Ricorda che queste azioni si applicano solamente al tuo account attuale e non hanno alcun effetto su eventuali nuovi account che vuoi creare, ma i personaggi di questo account chiuso rimarranno irrecuperabili. Per creare un nuovo account, devi utilizzare un nuovo codice di gioco (CD key) acquistando una copia del gioco.
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