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New Member
Jun 11, 2012
Honorbuddy got me a perma-ban before I was even able to use up my 1 day access pass questing. :(
Nah, that doesn't sound right, you must've been banned for something else..
Honorbuddy got me a perma-ban before I was even able to use up my 1 day access pass questing. :(

How do you know it was honorbuddy specifically? As the above poster mentioned it could have been something before you used honorbuddy.

Just curious. If you can prove it is honorbuddy i'm sure the devs would be interested.
bad luck for you i gues i questbot 12 hours a day then i turn it of for a quite few hours then on for 12 hours all fine and also try to get into a guild its mutch better with questbotting while u bee in a guild also get some addons like badboy so no one can whisper you etc.
bad luck for you i gues i questbot 12 hours a day then i turn it of for a quite few hours then on for 12 hours all fine and also try to get into a guild its mutch better with questbotting while u bee in a guild also get some addons like badboy so no one can whisper you etc.

Actually, the OP has probably done something else, which might be bannable like Ninjaing items or scamming players or systematically using inappropriate language in chat.

Whatever he has done, it's not HB, sorry, it doesn't work that way.

I questbot for 12hrs a day and I am perfectly fine.

Here is how you do it, in case you are wondering.

1. Get some Battletag buddies or RealID friends.
2. Get some ingame buddies, hell, even if you don't ever talk to them again, if you are on somebody's friends list and he is on yours, it is a huge advantage, as it means you are a social player and not a bot.
3. Get into a high level leveling guild. Just spam LF GUILD in /3 or /1 in your starting area and someone or someone's addon will immediately invite you.
4. Spend some time to help others in the area, spam the local zone chat with some stupid small talk, just spend an hour of your total botting time to earn a few buds or enemies.

I would not recommend getting badboy and putting everyone who talks to you on Ignore, as this sure as hell screams "I am a bot". You can always dodge the bullet by saying something like "I didn't feel like talking, had a rough day and didn't want to bother anybody with it" or some other emo BS, but Badboy + mass ignore is a sure sign you are a bot and it's very hard to dodge this bullet.

Better strategy would be to get a plugin that logs all your chat, or some other monitoring tool, so if you get a ban while AFK, you will actually know what happened and be able to better defend yourself. Hell, if you feel you are very unlucky and extra paranoid, you might even get one of those game recording tools and record your session, so you will know exactly what happened when you got banned. I'd say the last one is the best thing you can do ever, but it will probably cost you an extra 1TB or bigger hard drive.
Actually, the OP has probably done something else, which might be bannable like Ninjaing items or scamming players or systematically using inappropriate language in chat.

Whatever he has done, it's not HB, sorry, it doesn't work that way.

I questbot for 12hrs a day and I am perfectly fine.

Here is how you do it, in case you are wondering.

1. Get some Battletag buddies or RealID friends.
2. Get some ingame buddies, hell, even if you don't ever talk to them again, if you are on somebody's friends list and he is on yours, it is a huge advantage, as it means you are a social player and not a bot.
3. Get into a high level leveling guild. Just spam LF GUILD in /3 or /1 in your starting area and someone or someone's addon will immediately invite you.
4. Spend some time to help others in the area, spam the local zone chat with some stupid small talk, just spend an hour of your total botting time to earn a few buds or enemies.

I would not recommend getting badboy and putting everyone who talks to you on Ignore, as this sure as hell screams "I am a bot". You can always dodge the bullet by saying something like "I didn't feel like talking, had a rough day and didn't want to bother anybody with it" or some other emo BS, but Badboy + mass ignore is a sure sign you are a bot and it's very hard to dodge this bullet.

Better strategy would be to get a plugin that logs all your chat, or some other monitoring tool, so if you get a ban while AFK, you will actually know what happened and be able to better defend yourself. Hell, if you feel you are very unlucky and extra paranoid, you might even get one of those game recording tools and record your session, so you will know exactly what happened when you got banned. I'd say the last one is the best thing you can do ever, but it will probably cost you an extra 1TB or bigger hard drive.

i know that from langaugue in trade chat one time i said a bad word to one in chat and it got me banned for 72 hours lol but i was back sooner:) wel i totally put lvl of badboy on 85 i only have guild members not on ignore etc and it works for me i dont need gold spammers spamming me i have enough my self and im botting my 9 char now with fully quest:) you dont need friends on the list because the wil talk to you i have always none on my list and im fine. and i bot for a long time since glider days and i only got banned a few times by my own mistake of grinding only and 24/7 now i know what to do and yes it doesend matther if you ignore the whole chat you wont get banned for that i succesfully did a pally from 1-85 in les then 5 days and now im doing a druid.
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Honorbuddy got me a perma-ban before I was even able to use up my 1 day access pass questing. :(

Joined today and banned asap and have 1 post...... nice name btw..... ya go sell your bullshit somewhere else please we are all full up here!!!!
Honorbuddy got me a perma-ban before I was even able to use up my 1 day access pass questing. :(

bullshit ive been botting for the past 56 hours on the same server on 3 different toons, gatherbuddying, and bg buddy
xD havent turned off my pc i think my graphic card or soemthing will overhead- havent been banned yet
i know that from langaugue in trade chat one time i said a bad word to one in chat and it got me banned for 72 hours lol but i was back sooner:) wel i totally put lvl of badboy on 85 i only have guild members not on ignore etc and it works for me i dont need gold spammers spamming me i have enough my self and im botting my 9 char now with fully quest:) you dont need friends on the list because the wil talk to you i have always none on my list and im fine. and i bot for a long time since glider days and i only got banned a few times by my own mistake of grinding only and 24/7 now i know what to do and yes it doesend matther if you ignore the whole chat you wont get banned for that i succesfully did a pally from 1-85 in les then 5 days and now im doing a druid.

Actually, this is only partially so.

1. You won't get banned for /ignoring everyone.
2. You won't get banned for running around like a lobotomized monkey.
3. You won't get banned for being a sociopath with no friends.
4. You won't even get banned if someone reports you, unless it's about mining and herbing or you are caught red-handed, like your character gets stuck in an infinite loop of mounting and dismounting.
5. You will get banned if all of the above are true, and you may get a very lengthy ban.
6. Nobody gives a rat's ass about quest botting even at Blizzard, so you can always say "my wow froze I don't know what happened" or "my computer froze as I was cleaning a virus", or anything like that to justify the infinite loop and they will unban you with a message along the lines of "if you are spotted again it may get you a permaban" to get you to be more careful. Any half-believable story can get you off the hook for quest botting.

Now, here's the thing about friends and guilds.

1. Your friends may or may not try to talk to you, but sure as hell they won't report you if you don't answer a message or two. I bot and socialize all the time and my friends never give me any trouble. Just be nice to them.
2. Your guildies won't give a damn if you talk to them or not, especially in those massive 1000 member leveling guilds, where people are very alienated. They are a perfect cover for a botter to both look social and stay off the radar.