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perma ban turned to 72 hour


Sep 27, 2010
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? both, was using GB mostly

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: release

3)If so, when was the last time?: logged off and was banned about 5 hours later

4)What profile were you using?: GB2 custom jade forrest mine and herb

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: default at the time

6)What plugins are you using?: blacklister, Mr. inventory

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 16ish

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 40% I'd use tyreal for raiding during some of the day, GB while at work or not raiding. Id still watch GB if I wasnt asleep or at work

9)How many auctions per day did you have?: the day before I had 500ish, mostly something around 100

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? no

11)Was your account involved in gold selling? no

12)EU or US realm? us

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? paid

this is completely my fault, i was staying low and only using HB for raiding and then GB overnight. Yesterday i got greedy and would farm for a few hours and fill up my bags, go list everything on AH, do a raid, go back to farming, rinse and repeat. I did this all day and i made something like 15-20k gold (herbs and ore sold almost instantly and at a really good price), plus when i farming right before i went to bed i noticed many more 90s around farming then usual.

I woke up this morning to a perma ban, I immediately did an appeal and within a few hours i got it knocked down to a 72hr ban. This was completely my fault and I got too greedy with all the gold i was making so quickly.

what did you say in ur appeal ? was it the first time that you are getting caught ?
I woke up this morning to a perma ban, I immediately did an appeal and within a few hours i got it knocked down to a 72hr ban. This was completely my fault and I got too greedy with all the gold i was making so quickly.
Well, at least you realize what you did wrong! :)

You definitely got lucky, but I'd lay low for awhile if I were you. It's incredibly easy to get carried away with GB2. As you likely noticed, when mats are at a high price, more people will be out farming to take advantage of it. Sometimes it's best to farm for a few hours, stuff mats in the guild bank, and post when they're higher in price.

Also, shuffling wouldn't be a bad idea, especially if you have bags full of mats. That, or post in moderation.
Don't use GB or bot overnight on an account you care about, mainly never ever flood the AH its probably the easiest way to get yourself banned. Instead just get jewelcrafting and enchanting or alchemy and shuffle the ores/herbs and post on AH youll make much more gold this way anyway. If your lazy you could just sell to a private buyer.
I'd also like to know what you said in your appeal. :O
Did you use the "I got hacked" tactic?
Did you just admit to it and act extremely sorry?
How did you get them to dumb down your ban?
GB seems to be the hotspot with getting detected. Usually with people that use just leveling and dungeon buddy the bans are a lot less frequent and usually 72 hours cuz u get a 72 hour ban from being reported a lot but you get a perma ban from having notting software detected