well here is my case, maybe it is useful to someone
Dear Blizzard Customer Support,
A few days ago i was going to log in into my account and i realised that my WoW2 account was banned because of using third-party program. Before i describe my appeal, i am so sorry when i have to tell the truth that i did used the third-party software in order to help me farming some materials for the time consuming.
I know it was wrong and it was only the 1st time i used it, i got a trial key and wanted to test what it does to save your time. I also realize that how stupid i am when i used it because i violated seriously the rules and created bad effects to other people who were farming like me. One more time i want to say apology to: Blizzard, WoW staffs who bring to me the greatest game i have ever played and all players who were directly or indirectly influenced by my stupid work. I don't want to say something lie or explain about what i have done because i know that doesn't mean anything therefore i have told you all the truth and my only hope now is that you can reconsider my situation and reduce the penalty from banned permanently to 48 hours suspended since it was just the 1st time. I feel so sorry about what i have done to you and other players, it will be my big lesson and experience. I will never cheat while playing game in the future not only WoW but also others. The chance for my account is reviewed and changed the punishment is very small ( i don't want to say that it is impossible because there is always a small window of hope open) but i still hope and keep hoping more. If my appeal isn't approved and i have to stop WoW, i want to say the last thank to all of you guys who create and bring to me the best game and a lot of emotions. I feel so upset and embarrassed when have to leave WoW in this way.
Finally, good luck to blizzard and looking forward to having a good news from you. Thanks for your time.
22 hours ago
Customer Service Representative
World of Warcraft - Account Reviewed
Account Name:[email protected] (WoW2)
Reason:Autmoation of Gameplay
The actions above have been deemed inappropriate for the World of Warcraft, and resulted in the closure of your account. After a thorough review we have determined that the World of Warcraft license will not be permanently closed at this time. However, the account will be suspended for 72 hours, starting now and ALL stackable crafting materials have been removed (this is conditional to your accounts return)
After this suspension has ended you will be able to login normally, also remember to login to the account page first to refresh the status. Bear in mind that future violations against our policies may lead to further actions, up to and including permanent closure of the license.
While the suspension is in place, we would recommend taking a moment to review the policies in the game at <https://battle.net/support/article/100644>.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please reply to this ticket. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.
Dear Blizzard Customer Support,
A few days ago i was going to log in into my account and i realised that my WoW2 account was banned because of using third-party program. Before i describe my appeal, i am so sorry when i have to tell the truth that i did used the third-party software in order to help me farming some materials for the time consuming.
I know it was wrong and it was only the 1st time i used it, i got a trial key and wanted to test what it does to save your time. I also realize that how stupid i am when i used it because i violated seriously the rules and created bad effects to other people who were farming like me. One more time i want to say apology to: Blizzard, WoW staffs who bring to me the greatest game i have ever played and all players who were directly or indirectly influenced by my stupid work. I don't want to say something lie or explain about what i have done because i know that doesn't mean anything therefore i have told you all the truth and my only hope now is that you can reconsider my situation and reduce the penalty from banned permanently to 48 hours suspended since it was just the 1st time. I feel so sorry about what i have done to you and other players, it will be my big lesson and experience. I will never cheat while playing game in the future not only WoW but also others. The chance for my account is reviewed and changed the punishment is very small ( i don't want to say that it is impossible because there is always a small window of hope open) but i still hope and keep hoping more. If my appeal isn't approved and i have to stop WoW, i want to say the last thank to all of you guys who create and bring to me the best game and a lot of emotions. I feel so upset and embarrassed when have to leave WoW in this way.
Finally, good luck to blizzard and looking forward to having a good news from you. Thanks for your time.
22 hours ago
Customer Service Representative
World of Warcraft - Account Reviewed
Account Name:[email protected] (WoW2)
Reason:Autmoation of Gameplay
The actions above have been deemed inappropriate for the World of Warcraft, and resulted in the closure of your account. After a thorough review we have determined that the World of Warcraft license will not be permanently closed at this time. However, the account will be suspended for 72 hours, starting now and ALL stackable crafting materials have been removed (this is conditional to your accounts return)
After this suspension has ended you will be able to login normally, also remember to login to the account page first to refresh the status. Bear in mind that future violations against our policies may lead to further actions, up to and including permanent closure of the license.
While the suspension is in place, we would recommend taking a moment to review the policies in the game at <https://battle.net/support/article/100644>.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please reply to this ticket. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.