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Perma Ban Changed To 48 Hour Suspension After Appeal!!


New Member
Apr 3, 2013
Hey guys. So the other day my account was banned for botting. I had been using GatherBuddy2 farming ghost iron ore in VoTFW for 12hrs straight and using the plugin PlayerReportsDetector saw I had been reported 8 times within an hour. So after I got this email from Blizz:


Account: WOW1
Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

Blizzard has terminated this World of Warcraft license after identifying the usage of bots or other cheat software.

I sent them this appeal (which can be found here, with just a little rewording where instead of doing daily quests, I said I was farming some ore to get some gold to help gear my character):

Dear Blizzard Customer Support,
Today, my WoW account was banned because of using third-party program. Before i describe my appeal, i am so sorry when i have to tell the truth that i did used the third-party software in order to help me farm some ore for gold to gear my character. I know it was wrong and it was only the 2nd time i used it ( i received this software from my friend who actually left the game a few days ago ). I also realize that how stupid i am when i used it because i violated seriously the rules and created bad effects to other people. One more time i want to say apology to: Blizzard, WoW staffs who bring to me the greatest game i have ever played and all players who were directly or indirectly influenced by my stupid work. I don't want to say something lie or explain about what i have done because i know that doesn't mean anything therefore i have told you all the truth and my only hope now is that you can reconsider my situation and reduce the penalty from banned permanently to 72 hours suspended and last warning. I feel so sorry about what i have done to you and other players, it will be my big lesson and experience. I will never cheat while playing game in the future not only WoW but also others. The chance for my account is reviewed and changed the punishment is very small ( i don't want to say that it is impossible ) but i still hope and keep hoping more. If my appeal isn't approved and i have to stop WoW, i want to say the last thank to all of you guys who create and bring to me the best game and a lot of emotions. I feel so upset and embarrassed when have to leave WoW in this way.
Finally, good luck to blizzard and looking forward to having a good news from you. Thanks !!!

I recieved a reply tonight and this is what they said:

Hey there, I'm Game Master Rywald, i will be taking a look at your issue today.

Thank you for contacting us concerning the recent action taken against the World of Warcraft account. After a thorough review of the circumstances involved in this action, the account has been changed from a ban to a 48 hour suspension.

Please take a few moments to look over the World of Warcraft Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use), as we take matters involving the integrity of the game environment very seriously. Please understand that should another incident of this nature arise in the future, it is possible that a different outcome will be reached, up to and including Account Closure.

The Terms of Use state that you will not "...modify or cause to be modified any files that are a part of the Game Client or the Service in any way not expressly authorized by Blizzard" or "...use cheats, automation software (bots), hacks, mods or any other unauthorized third-party software designed to modify the World of Warcraft experience..." Additionally, the Battle.net Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment:Battle.net Terms of Use) state that "You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the Login Information, and you will be responsible for all uses of the Login Information, including purchases, whether or not authorized by you."

Thank you for your continued correspondence in regards to your account and for respecting our position.

It helped me save my account so I hope it helps you! HAPPY BOTTING!
HAHA! oi man, same thing happened to me the email was stated, after finding initial findings of the use of 3rd party software we have reduced the enclosure to a 72 hr suspension :D
It's normal, when they do perma to 72h it means "We're giving you another chance".
Nice cocksucker text, I?ll save it for the future.

with this we know now this lesson: Blizzard <3 be sucked
Probably felt sorry for you after seeing how you structure a sentence.
You'r sentence is poorly structured aswell. But due to this is a video game sounding like a illiterate child will help you'r case much more than sounding intellectual. and admitting you are botting is stupid in every way. Just guaranteed to have account flagged. Never bot on that account ever again.
You'r sentence is poorly structured aswell. But due to this is a video game sounding like a illiterate child will help you'r case much more than sounding intellectual. and admitting you are botting is stupid in every way. Just guaranteed to have account flagged. Never bot on that account ever again.
Commas, have you heard of them?
i just sumbite a ticket similar to your, admitting botting, and they gave me this answer


Hey there and good morning! I've read your petition and I'm going to investigate your report.

Honestly I can tell you that you're probably not going to get a follow-up because we don't discuss any actions or investigations into other players...but if we do take action you will just see changes :)

Take care and have a great day!

never got a answer like this before.
probably is a no.
account stilll banned
Strange, I have never seen or heard of this reply before. Sadly, it looks like you got a shitty GM. Sorry mate
i just sumbite a ticket similar to your, admitting botting, and they gave me this answer


Hey there and good morning! I've read your petition and I'm going to investigate your report.

Honestly I can tell you that you're probably not going to get a follow-up because we don't discuss any actions or investigations into other players...but if we do take action you will just see changes :)

Take care and have a great day!

never got a answer like this before.
probably is a no.
account stilll banned

or you just are full of it with a answer like this.

Or, see the highlighted text.... you reported someone else trying to save you're ass.
my account was banned on janurary.. didn't report anyone.
my report is into blizzard.. and other player means all of us
Thanks for this script, got unbanned after 6 months and 30 tickets, this one being the last.
Thanks for this script, got unbanned after 6 months and 30 tickets, this one being the last.

Congrats mate, glad it helped! But the credit goes to the original poster whose thread is linked in the OP.
Thanks for this script, got unbanned after 6 months and 30 tickets, this one being the last.

oh really? after 30 appeals, they reopened your account?. thats lucky..

did they denied the other with like " This penalty has already been upheld." or "As this issue is considered closed, further contacts regarding this penalty may go unanswered." ?
i sent an appeal thats like the script on a banned account for 2 years. still on cataclysm. see what i get.
i probably did about 30 appeals on that account with no luck.