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Perma ban - 25/09/14 - Kael'Thas (EU)


New Member
Nov 3, 2013
I just got a 3 month license on Sept. 20. I stopped WoW and botting since May due to professional reasons.
Yesterday, I got banned while doing a LFR raid with 3 guildies. I had HB open and running but not doing anything.

All times and dates below are in Kael'Thas time (Paris, GMT+2).
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
When the ban occured (on Sept. 25 at 12:53PM), I had Honorbuddy opened and working. Yet, it wasn't doing any farming (I forgot it was open).
I used Gatherbuddy and Grindbot.

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?
Honorbuddy v2.5.11489.748.

3)If so, when was the last time?
Last time I tried to farm was for 'Borean leather' in Northrend. Yet, I couldn't make it work. The time before that was from 24/09 10:38AM to 25/09 00:49AM (14 hours 9 minutes) using profile GatherBuddy\[Gatherit] Townlong Kyparite Gold Mine.xml.

4)What profile were you using?
(A+H) 400-450 Northrend.xml for borean leather.

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname
Default Rogue Assassination when I started the bot at 9:36AM. But I switched on several characters after. I was playing a Disc Priest when I got banned.

6)What plugins are you using?
- Anti Drown,
- AutoEquip2,
- DrinkPotions,
- FieldRepair,
- ItemForAuraQuestHelper,
- LockPicker,
- MailMan-Free,
- Pasterke,
- Poseidus,
- ProspectMillDisenchant,
- Rarekiller,
- Rarekiller2,
- Refeshment,
- Roller,
- Settings,
- Talented2,
- TidyBagsZandalariEdit,
- timelessbuffs,
- UltimateMovement,
- UltimatePVPSuite1.2.

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?
It depended of the days. Since I came back on Sept. 20 I botted exactly 3 times :
- Mining in Tanglong and Dread Wastes from Sept. 20 4:41AM to Sept. 21 3:12AM (22 hours 30 min)
- Skinning in Dread Wastes on Sept. 22nd from 2:59AM to 8:46AM (5 hours 46 min)
- Mining in Tanglong from Sept. 24th 10:38AM to Sept. 25th 00:49AM (14 hours 9 min)

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

9)How many auctions per day did you have?
Since I came back, I sold in total:
- 2 × 20 rare MoP gems,
- 22 × 20 mining bars,
- 6 × 4 alchemy bars (1 craft/day),
- 1 ingeneer golem (mount).

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
I am using Honorbuddy since the beginning of MoP. Before that, I used :
- during WotLK a fishing bot (freeware) that monopolized the cursor,
- at the end of WotLK and during Cataclysm, I used a very satisfying bot, more like HB (MMOLazy).

11)Was your account involved in gold selling?
Never. I never sold nor bought any gold. All money I made out of botting was put in mounts. I only bot for my own comfort (I prefer spending time in raids rather than farming). I have played for 7 years and levelled up all 11 classes by hand. These days, I was enjoying the 11 gameplays (and more with the double-spec). Botting was specifically to buy mounts, get free potions for my casual gaming and hopefully gold for the next extension :/

12)EU or US realm?
EU - Kael'Thas (FR)

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
Paid. For 7 years and 5 months with only 2 pauses (2 weeks and 1 month). Each extension bought at its issuance since WotLK :/


When the ban occured, I immediately changed my password and tried to contact the online assistance. It was down (probably due to a ban wave). However 1 or 2 hours after I could send a first request to which I was replied (GM - Eyolinn) in less than 6 minutes a firm 'No and please do not send us any other message about it'. Then, I wrote another request to which they replied (Assistance team) more kindly that this was a definitive ban and that they would turn down any of my requests on this issue. If I needed to contest a decision taken by their team I should email: [email protected]. I did so and did not get any answer yet. I will call Blizzard in France on Monday (from New Caledonia, GMT+11, 9h of time difference).
If you have any advice on how I should manage this situation to get my account back, please tell.

If you need more information please feel free to ask.


PS: I can provide these last week's logs:
- Mining in Tanglong and Dread Wastes - Sept. 20th at 4:41AM
- Skinning in Dread Wastes - Sept. 22nd at 2:59AM
- Mining in Tanglong - Sept. 24th at 10:38AM
- Session without botting when the ban occured - Sept. 25th at 9:36AM
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It seems like the 14 hour gather is what did it. 14 hours of gathering!!!!
Gathering for 14h is really a bad option, especially if you're not using private profiles.
Beginner mistakes. There's a plugin which makes random breaks and switches profiles after the break, it reduce the chance of a ban by A LOT. I know that feel of being banned. Don't immediately appeal the ban.. Try it again after a couple of days and explain why you should be unbanned.
Hello bow100,
Talking about beginner mistakes... I could not add the 4 TXT files when I posted this thread. How can I share these with you?


Hi chaosxxx,
Thanks a lot for your advice, I will definitely call them on Monday and try to re-submit an online request. One way or another, I should never bot with my dear account anymore.
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Admitting to botting on the buddy forums and having your characters and realm listed in the post is probably a pretty bad idea,I would remove or edit it if I were you.

You better hope Blizzard CS isn't checking these forums.

A google search on your [character name-realm name] links to this thread as the 5th result.
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Actually, since you haven't used the account for a while, just play hacked.

But you need to do it from different computer with very different IP, and explain them, that today you had read the ban message inyour mailbox, and you were very surprised about the ban, because you haven't subbed since several months etc.
That usually work, if you do not log from your previous IP anymore, or at least soon ;)