[PB] Skinning 1-525 Ally + Horde [Updated for 5.0.4]
Hello. This ProfessionBuddy profile will help you to level up skinning 1-525 in a few hours of farming. Farming profiles are included.
It supports both Alliance and Horde.
This hasn't been through heavy testing as I've only run it through on three characters.
Credit to Kickazz (Alliance and neutral farming profiles are based on his skinning profile), highvoltz for creating ProfessionBuddy and to wide HB community.
To run this profile you need:
- At least level 80 (85 pref.) character
- Ability to fly everywhere and flying mount (except for Pandaria as it's not implemented yet)
- About 500 gold for repairing and training
- At least 4 x 16 slot bags equipped (20+ slot pref.)
- You can choose to sell on AH, mail or vendor farmed leather.
- Uses transport to navigate between zones.
add: I know that my English is awful and I'm sorry for any misunderstanding, I'll do my best to explain myself as clearly as possible.
Update: 21.09
- Now should support latest version of HB.
Update: 11.11
- Re-uploaded
Hello. This ProfessionBuddy profile will help you to level up skinning 1-525 in a few hours of farming. Farming profiles are included.
It supports both Alliance and Horde.
This hasn't been through heavy testing as I've only run it through on three characters.
Credit to Kickazz (Alliance and neutral farming profiles are based on his skinning profile), highvoltz for creating ProfessionBuddy and to wide HB community.
To run this profile you need:
- At least level 80 (85 pref.) character
- Ability to fly everywhere and flying mount (except for Pandaria as it's not implemented yet)
- About 500 gold for repairing and training
- At least 4 x 16 slot bags equipped (20+ slot pref.)
- You can choose to sell on AH, mail or vendor farmed leather.
- Uses transport to navigate between zones.
add: I know that my English is awful and I'm sorry for any misunderstanding, I'll do my best to explain myself as clearly as possible.
Update: 21.09
- Now should support latest version of HB.
Update: 11.11
- Re-uploaded
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