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- Jun 27, 2012
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NOTICE TO MY USERS: I stopped playing WoW in somewhere in 5.1. I've just returned to the game as of 5.4. I am currently reassessing my projects and will try to update everything as soon as I figure out where I'm at. At the time I left this profile was barely released let alone polished. I'm tickled to see so many still use it reasonably successfully in spite of its very beta status. It will be getting love very soon as soon as my newest toon is old enough...and I remember how to work ProfessionBuddy.
CURRENT STATUS: Minor reported issues but useable.
NOTICE TO MODS: I understand in my absence there's been some policy changes in the wake of the Great Paid Profiles Drama of 2012. Please give me a few days to make sure I understand the rules and I will get all my threads in compliance.
Pandarian Cooking Trainer
0 - 525 Halfhill Style!
This is a barely beta release of my first PB profile. Currently it will train cooking via the Halfhill Market Method anywhere from skill level 0 to 525. It will buy or gather ALL the necessary ingredients.
BotBase: ProfessionBuddy
Level Required: 85
Flight Required: No
Faction: Neutral
Starting Location: Outdoor Pandaria if level 90, Valley of the Four Winds for 85-89
Pre-Reqs: Fishing Skill or proper amount of Golden Carp (see below), access to Pandaria
Vendors/Repair: Yes, Halfhill
Mailbox: Yes, Halfhill
Need To Know
Communication, Bugs and Help
Golden Carp by Cooking Skill
If you don't have fishing skill, don't want to also raise your fishing skill or already have a boatload of carp on some other toon
Below Level 60: 42 Golden Carp
90 to 270: 36 Golden Carp
330 to 420: 12 Golden Carp
Wildfowl Breast by Cooking Skill
At cooking levels between 510 and 519 the profile will check your bags for 7 Wildfowl Breasts. If it doesn't find them, it will hunt them. If you want to plan ahead put 7 Wildfowl Breast in your bags before starting this profile if you are not over 519 skill. And if you are, why are you using this?! =) You only need 2 for the actual cooking but I built in the extra 5 with the hopes of adding the Ways of... quests in the near future which will require 5 more Wildfowl Breasts.
CURRENT STATUS: Minor reported issues but useable.
NOTICE TO MODS: I understand in my absence there's been some policy changes in the wake of the Great Paid Profiles Drama of 2012. Please give me a few days to make sure I understand the rules and I will get all my threads in compliance.
Pandarian Cooking Trainer
0 - 525 Halfhill Style!
This is a barely beta release of my first PB profile. Currently it will train cooking via the Halfhill Market Method anywhere from skill level 0 to 525. It will buy or gather ALL the necessary ingredients.
- Yes, it will fish if you need to. It will not equip a pole or use a lure at this time because I haven't figured out how to reequip your weapon and that's important for....
- Yes, it will go farm the Wildfowl Breast if you need them.
BotBase: ProfessionBuddy
Level Required: 85
Flight Required: No
Faction: Neutral
Starting Location: Outdoor Pandaria if level 90, Valley of the Four Winds for 85-89
Pre-Reqs: Fishing Skill or proper amount of Golden Carp (see below), access to Pandaria
Vendors/Repair: Yes, Halfhill
Mailbox: Yes, Halfhill
Download the entire "[PB] Pandarian Cooking Trainer" folder to your hard drive. You may copy the contents to the Profiles folder in PB or you can open the main profile from wherever you saved the folder. Just make sure you retain the folder structure wherever you put it or you won't be able to farm Wildfowl Breast.
Need To Know
- If you are starting from 0 or 1 skilll, I recommend you manually pick up So You Want to Be a Chef from Sungshin when you get there. You will complete the objectives while training without having to make 5 more Sliced Peaches. I'm cheap so I don't like to do stuff twice. Next version will do this for you.
- If you have the non-vendor mats in advance this will go super quick. Don't blink or you'll miss it.
- If you have to fish for the mats, the higher your fishing skill the faster it goes.
- If you don't have the breasts, you will be doing combat in V4W. You take a reasonably safe route to the location and the mobs are non-aggro. They aren't that tough and you can single pull so even a fresh-to-Pandaria 85 should be able to handle them, especially a bot.
- It will not sell anything unless your bags get super crowded (less than 5 free slots) then it will sell all the cooked food except Fish Cake (in case you're working on Cloud Serpent too.) A future version will give you some control over that. Right now you're stuck with my choices. This means if you have a stack of any of these recipes as your food you will lose them. Deal with it. =)
To HighVoltz and AtticusG3 without whose work to dissect (and occasionally mimic) I wouldn't have been able to figure this out. To Puffdank from whom I snagged the "safer" wildfowl breast farming hotspots.
Communication, Bugs and Help
I welcome feedback, ideas, suggestions and bug reports. In order to save us all time, please make sure you have read everything I have posted here first. Then clearly describe what the profile is or is not doing that is unexpected and attach a log. Also, if I've been helpful and/or you like this project, please let me know by posting or +rep.
Golden Carp by Cooking Skill
If you don't have fishing skill, don't want to also raise your fishing skill or already have a boatload of carp on some other toon
Below Level 60: 42 Golden Carp
90 to 270: 36 Golden Carp
330 to 420: 12 Golden Carp
Wildfowl Breast by Cooking Skill
At cooking levels between 510 and 519 the profile will check your bags for 7 Wildfowl Breasts. If it doesn't find them, it will hunt them. If you want to plan ahead put 7 Wildfowl Breast in your bags before starting this profile if you are not over 519 skill. And if you are, why are you using this?! =) You only need 2 for the actual cooking but I built in the extra 5 with the hopes of adding the Ways of... quests in the near future which will require 5 more Wildfowl Breasts.
[INDENT]Removed the CanCraft conditional from the level 60-90 section to try to resolve the selling loop.
Added debug messages in case the CanCraft wasn't the issue.[/INDENT]
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