Currently I'm making my own AH poster - canceler profile for HB.
Get Mail - Works
Sell Item to AH - Works
Cancel Auction - Can't get this to work.
Any special code or anything I need to put on the profile to make it work?
Basicly the profile is : cancel auctions which are undercut, go to mailbox - get mail, back to ah, post items, wait 60 sec , load the profile again for infinite loop.
Everything works just fine, but it wont cancel any auction. ( Sometimes cancels, sometimes not, most of the time it doesn't) There nothing in the debug, only this: "finished scanning for items" then stuck till logged out for inactivity..
Get Mail - Works
Sell Item to AH - Works
Cancel Auction - Can't get this to work.
Any special code or anything I need to put on the profile to make it work?
Basicly the profile is : cancel auctions which are undercut, go to mailbox - get mail, back to ah, post items, wait 60 sec , load the profile again for infinite loop.
Everything works just fine, but it wont cancel any auction. ( Sometimes cancels, sometimes not, most of the time it doesn't) There nothing in the debug, only this: "finished scanning for items" then stuck till logged out for inactivity..