This is just a preview of one of the profiles I have to offer. This is my Leatherworking-Skinning profile I used as a gold farmer!
What this profile does..
Will farm a random profile and switch to a new one once timer is up or someone follows or targets you. It will not use the same map more then once in a certain time frame.
Shattrath, Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Thunder Bluff or Darnassus available Hearth locations.
Can mail gold to your banker and deposit in a guild bank.
Doesn't vendor most transmog greens.
What this profile does..
- Levels Skinning and Leatherworking 1-600
- Auto crafts almost all Leatherworking items
- Keeps stock of all leathers and items (Auto farms mats if anything is sold.)
Will farm a random profile and switch to a new one once timer is up or someone follows or targets you. It will not use the same map more then once in a certain time frame.
Shattrath, Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Thunder Bluff or Darnassus available Hearth locations.
Can mail gold to your banker and deposit in a guild bank.
Doesn't vendor most transmog greens.

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