Hey all, this is just something I hacked together real quick to take some of the grind out of the Elementium/Obsidium Shuffle.
All this script does is disenchant ANY rings/chokers/bands made from the shuffle (to include blues).
I'm working on a 1click shuffler that will open your mail, prospect the ore, craft the items, disenchant them and mail the mats to your banker but it may take a while to get up and running. Biggest holdup is XML and including basic math in it, so if anyone knows a good doc for ALL of the PB API and some good starter XML guides then maybe I can have a oneclick money machine up within the week.
Any issues/suggestions post in the thread and I'll try and help ya out.
All this script does is disenchant ANY rings/chokers/bands made from the shuffle (to include blues).
I'm working on a 1click shuffler that will open your mail, prospect the ore, craft the items, disenchant them and mail the mats to your banker but it may take a while to get up and running. Biggest holdup is XML and including basic math in it, so if anyone knows a good doc for ALL of the PB API and some good starter XML guides then maybe I can have a oneclick money machine up within the week.
Any issues/suggestions post in the thread and I'll try and help ya out.