I've been selling gold to private buyers since the glider days.
I have a big customer base.... recently I got a new customer who bought $300
then $400 and a few days ago $600 worth of gold.
This is alot of gold so I was like wtf does he need all this gold I started to talk to him and become his "friend".
He told me recently that he's using a corporate CC
Cards that are given to CEO's and higher up ppl pay for hookers "presents" and other shit they might want to buy and use the companies money.
He said he's been using different company cards for 5 years now... and confessed to paying me with one of those.
He told me that the card he used belonged to a company that has over 500,000 employees so nobody would notice.
sigh here's my question... if the company or w.e does notice and does a chargeback I'm gonna be down over $1k... of course I'm not gonna pay that shit since I had no clue. I'll leave the account on negative and just not use paypal anymore.
What kind of legal shit can I get into? jail time?
I've been selling gold to private buyers since the glider days.
I have a big customer base.... recently I got a new customer who bought $300
then $400 and a few days ago $600 worth of gold.
This is alot of gold so I was like wtf does he need all this gold I started to talk to him and become his "friend".
He told me recently that he's using a corporate CC
Cards that are given to CEO's and higher up ppl pay for hookers "presents" and other shit they might want to buy and use the companies money.
He said he's been using different company cards for 5 years now... and confessed to paying me with one of those.
He told me that the card he used belonged to a company that has over 500,000 employees so nobody would notice.
sigh here's my question... if the company or w.e does notice and does a chargeback I'm gonna be down over $1k... of course I'm not gonna pay that shit since I had no clue. I'll leave the account on negative and just not use paypal anymore.
What kind of legal shit can I get into? jail time?