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pay for a Pure blood firehawk?..


New Member
Feb 1, 2012
so apparently the FL rag. drop mounts (pure blood firehawk) and that other one..
are gonna be deleted in MOP (unavaible) ..

i talked with my guild, and apparently.. lots of guilds make good gold's running people threw FL (ragnaros)
on HC mode ofcourse, killing him.. and selling the mount for 100k..

my question is,
Would you consider buying it for 100k? (yes, no? explain why)

imo, its a cool mount and all.. but idk if i want to pay 100.000,- for it xD

- here's a link: Pureblood Fire Hawk - Spell - World of Warcraft
i wouldn't pay 100k maybe 70-80k for the reason that so many got it right now so it ain't that rare and you could kill all 6 bosses inv the booster and kill Rag
yeah, there's only 3-4 in ORG on em at "prime time" ;D
might just spend the 100k..
i still dont get why spend that much for a mount..
just get a Cool epic mount and thats it
Dark Pheonix and Ashes of Al'ar are the best for me :)
so apparently the FL rag. drop mounts (pure blood firehawk) and that other one..
are gonna be deleted in MOP (unavaible) ..

i talked with my guild, and apparently.. lots of guilds make good gold's running people threw FL (ragnaros)
on HC mode ofcourse, killing him.. and selling the mount for 100k..

my question is,
Would you consider buying it for 100k? (yes, no? explain why)

imo, its a cool mount and all.. but idk if i want to pay 100.000,- for it xD

- here's a link: Pureblood Fire Hawk - Spell - World of Warcraft

Not sure if you know this but Blizzard is installing a Blackmarket Auction house for items that would otherwise be unnatainable to people that dont raid. Its being implemented as a gold sink similar to the way EPIC FLYING still costs 4-5k.. I seen a Phoenix Mount(Ashes of Al'ar - Item - World of Warcraft) on MoP Beta just a couple of weeks ago for 250k.. Im starting to think that this is for the people with more gold than brains but hey, if you earned it, spend it the way you want. Anyways nah I wouldn't pay 100k for a mount. Max id pay is 50k right now. The xpac is over and yea ive seen too many people with it already. Its as "EXLUSIVE" as the mounts you can buy off of Blizzard for 30 bucks. Im gonna go ahead and assume that this mount will definetly be in the black market AH.
You realize MoP will have Black market AH. Rare mounts may come up and you will be able to bid on those. Save your cash you will need it
I sell it with a group of 9 friends every week. We have buyers lined up around the corner for that mount at 100k gold. I'm on Mal'Ganis - US. It's a great thing to buy/sell since it really is a beautiful mount. Looks great in shadow form too.
I would..Im a mount collector of course :D And its an awesome mount, having a mount that is no longer available would be awesome. Too bad no one would do this on my server :(
Guys, you're arguing over pocket change.
@ OP: If you like it, get it. I know I did.

100k is nothing.
Who said it was going to be deleted? Pretty sure they haven't deleted mounts in a while, ever since the Naxx Metas.
It'll just be reduced to a 1% drop like normal mode or Invincible or Mim's Head. Those that are saying buy it on the Black Market, you realize some guilds are selling this mount/title plus all loot from a 8/8 clear for only 80k now ? If this does end up on the BMAH, it would be at least double current price. My guild struggled to 7/8 HM, so I picked one up for 80k, got a snazzy title and almost a full set of heroic t12 for mogging in MOP. What is 80k now ? It's like pocket change really.
Who said it was going to be deleted? Pretty sure they haven't deleted mounts in a while, ever since the Naxx Metas.
According to the MOP threads and blizzard team's .. they are going to remove the hawk's.. just as the black proto drake got removed.. and the zulian tiger..

i didn't expect this thread to get THAT many replies ;P since it took 1 hour + to get 1 response ;D but it's nice to see people's diffrent opinions..
i like the fact that if you get it now, and pay the 100k.. you'll have it on every char you make in the future <-- is a sucky word xD
100k is alot to me, for 1 mount.. i've got ashes of alar aswell, solo'ed TK and got it on my first run.. (can't complain about that :D)