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Paws - Feral and Guardian (Community Edition)


New Member
Jan 31, 2015
[PAWS] A Feral and Guardian Druid Combat Routine

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  • Dynamic-based rotation that determines the appropriate ability to use based on maximized DPS, mitigation, or healing logic utilizing HonorBuddy’s Coroutine behavior architecture.
  • Full-featured Graphical User Interface with a plethora of settings for practically every ability available, allowing you to fine-tune abilities to your liking.
  • Character-based Presets available for a variety of situations: Automated/Manual Questing, Automated/Manual Raiding, Automated/Manual Battlegrounds, Manual Arenas.
  • The ability to create new Presets or overwrite the included presets to your specific preferences.
  • Trinket support that allows you to use on yourself, or on an enemy based on constant cooldown, loss of control, or health/mana conditions.
  • In-depth Item usage feature allowing you to use items based on a wide range of conditions and your state (pulling, combat-heal, combat, or resting).
  • Built-in Healthstone support.
  • Racial support for Tauren War Stomp and Troll Berserking.
  • Full Feral Talent support minus Ursol’s Vortex (recommend Mighty Bash instead).
  • Full Guardian Talent support minus Ursol’s Vortex (recommend Mighty Bash instead) and Guardian Heart of the Wild (recommend Dream of Cenarius instead).
  • Full Glyph support.
  • Clipping and Pandemic support for maximized bleed damage. Clipping occurs when there are higher damage multipliers to be gained from bleeds.
  • Interrupt targets using Skull Bash, Typhoon, Mighty Bash, or Maim.
  • User-defined randomized interrupt mechanism that allows you to determine the randomness of interrupts and their success rate to appear more human if desired.
  • Pull targets that are too high with Moonfire.
  • Soothe enraged targets.
  • Break out of roots and snares using Bear Form Powershift, Dash, or Stampeding Roar.
  • The ability to use Incarnation, Berserk, and Rip based on constant cooldown, surrounding enemy count, or a multiplier of the enemy target’s health.
  • The option to sync Tiger’s Fury with Berserk cooldown.
  • The option to sync Cenarion Ward with Heart of the Wild cooldown.
  • Highly customized interface for feral healing your allies with Healing Touch or Rejuvenation, based on role, only if your health is at least a certain percent, healing touch only during Predatory Swiftness Proc, and a weight-based system to determine role (Tank, Healer, and DPS) priority.
  • (Beta) Resurrect dead allies in combat with Rebirth and choose to do so based on role (Any Ally, Tank, Healer, or DPS).
  • Guardian Growl (Taunting) support based on if the target is targeting something other than you and you can decide based on if that target is another Tank, Healer, DPS, or Player’s Pet.
  • Guardian Maul based on Tooth and Claw Proc and minimum rage.
  • Guardian Faerie Fire/Swarm pulling support based on distance of target.
  • Feral Faerie Fire/Swarm PVP support on specific classes.
  • Full Feral and Guardian Questing support from level 1 to 100, tested specifically with Kick’s profiles. A drop-in replacement for singular.
  • BGBuddy tested.
  • DungeonBuddy tested with Feral. Guardian not supported, as group-based Tanking should be manually controlled using something like Enyo.
  • Enyo-tested for manual control.
  • Frequent updates and features.
  • Get Proving Grounds GOLD for Tank or DPS by letting the bot handle rotation, and you control reactionary and situational damage/mitigation.
  • Works in PVP for general purposes, but a separate and optimized PVP version will be available at a later time.
  • 100% FREE

Thanks again for your interest!


About Tab


Feral Offensive Tab


Guardian Offensive Tab


Feral HealingTab


Adding Items

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Settings Manual

General Options

Title Bar

  • Displays what specialization you are currently editing (Feral or Guardian)
  • Displays what preset you are currently editing
  • The specialization button allows you to switch between Feral or Guardian settings. When opening the settings form, it will display the settings for your current specialization. If you are currently Feral, but feel like editing the Guardian settings, click on the "Guardian" button. If in Guardian, the button will say "Feral".
  • The "Apply" button will apply and load the settings (Feral and Guardian) to the currently selected preset. If you switch presets, click Apply to load those settings.
  • The "?" button will open up this support thread.
  • The "X" button will close the settings form without loading or saving any settings you may have changed.
About Tab

  • The presets panel allow you to select default presets that load settings based on typical scenarios such as Manual Arena, Manual/Automated Questing, Manual/Automated Dungeons, Manual/Automated Raiding, or Manual/Automated Battlegrounds. Manual, in this sense, is for users who wish to control their character's movements and some abilities (such as Enyo), whereas Automated are for bot bases that are intended to leave your character AFK (such as Questing or Dungeon Buddy). You can create your own preset by clicking the "Save Current Settings As..." and entering a name. It will then show up in the dropdown list to choose from.
  • The information panel will show release notes and routine highlights.
General Tab

  • Movement Automation
    • Select "Bot Controls Movement" if you would like the bot to move for you. Generally used for automated bot bases. Note that you can move your character still if you use the default movement keys W,A,S, and D (mouse movement not supported).
    • Select "Bot Controls Target Facing" if you would like the bot to face targets for you. Generally used for automated bot bases. Note that you can face your character by using the default facing keys of left and right arrow (mouse movement not supported).
  • Mark of the Wild
    • Select "Do not apply if I am Stealthed" if you do not want to buff Mark of the Wild while you are prowling. Note that Mark of the Wild detects any "Stats" buffs on your character for consideration, so it will not overwrite buffs like Blessing of the Kings, or Legacy of the Emperor/White Tiger.
  • Release Spirit on Death
    • For automated bot bases only. Set the timeout in milliseconds that you would like your character released after dying. For reference, 1000 milliseconds is 1 second.
  • Target Height
    • Enter in the minimum height in yards that an enemy must be above you before the bot considers the enemy too high and uses Moonfire to pull towards you. Note that you do not need to enable Moonfire in the offensive tab for this to work as it is a separate mechanism. Works great for automated questing situations.
  • Interrupt Timing (Randomized)
    • Note that these settings exist as a safety mechanism so that the player does not have to worry about interrupting targets and still appear to be reacting human-like.
    • Enter the minimum and maximum time in milliseconds for the bot to generate a random time in between each time a qualified enemy cast must be interrupted. The tighter the times, the less the randomization between them. For reference, 1000 milliseconds is 1 second.
    • Enter a success rate percentage to determine if a qualified enemy cast should be interrupted. This is to further enhance the humanizing effect of interrupts as setting a lower rate will decrease the chances of successfully interrupting enemy casts. The default here is 95%, as most interrupts are caught and allows only 5% to fail.
  • Soothe
    • Soothe is a utility spell that can remove some enrage effects. Enter in the reaction time in milliseconds to attempt to remove qualifying enraged effects on an enemy. For reference, 1000 milliseconds is 1 second. Try not to set this too low, and not look like a total bot. Please note that unless you are in Claws of Shirvallah Form, you will shift out of any animal forms to cast.
Note that Settings marked with a Warning symbol are Abilities that require you to have that Talent in order for that setting to take effect. You don't need to disable these settings if you don't have the particular talent, though, they will just be ignored.

Feral Specific Options

Mobility Tab

  • Cat Form
    • Selecting "Always" will have the bot to constantly ensure that you are in cat form in or out of combat.
    • Selecting "Only During Pull or Combat" will have the bot only place you into cat form if you are in combat or pulling (pulling is for automated bot bases).
    • Select "Do not Override Bear Form" if you do not want the bot to shift you back in cat form if you have shifted into bear form. Note that this setting is ignored if the "Bear Form Powershift" option is enabled in the defensive tab and that mechanism will make sure you go back into cat form after powershifting on its own.
    • Select "Do not Override Travel Form" if you do not want the bot to shift you into cat form while in travel form.
  • Prowl (Stealth)
    • Set the distance from the enemy target that you would like the bot to initiate prowl. This is done during pulling (pulling is for automated bot bases).
  • Dash, Stampeding Roar, Wild Charge, and Displacer Beast
    • Set the minimum and maximum distance from the enemy target that you would like the bot to activate these abilities.
Offensive Tab

  • Savage Roar
    • Select "Allow Pandemic Clipping" to allow the bot to refresh Savage Roar at 3 or less seconds. This is viewed as a best practice and is recommended to leave enabled.
    • Set the minimum combo points to have prior to applying Savage Roar. Recommended 1 combo point.
  • Tiger's Fury
    • Select "On Cooldown" to apply Tiger's Fury as soon as it's available while in combat.
    • Select "Sync with Berserk Cooldown" to ensure that Tiger's Fury will activate at the same time as Berserk. Berserk is on a 3 minute cooldown, so if there are 30 seconds left of that cooldown (Tiger's Fury's cooldown), Tiger's Fury will wait to apply when Berserk is ready, otherwise it will be treated like "On Cooldown".
    • Select "Less than x Energy" to apply Tiger's Fury when your energy is less than the amount entered (recommended 40, as Tiger's Fury will give you 60 energy when applied).
  • Berserk
    • Select "On Cooldown" to apply Berserk as soon as it's available while in combat.
    • Select "Enemy Health is x times my total health" to initiate Berserk based on the enemy's health multiple of your health. For example, if you set this to 2, and you have 200,000 health, that means that the enemy you are in combat with must have at least 200,000 * 2, or 400,000 health in order to activate Berserk. This mechanism works for "less" health if you set the multiplier less than 1, also. For example, if you set this to 0.5, and you have 200,000 health, the enemy you are in combat with must have at least 200,000 * 0.5, or 100,000 health in order to activate Berserk. This setting works well for dungeon and raid scenarios because you can set the multiplier to a very large number to skip using Berserk on trash and to only use on boss (or boss-like) encounters.
    • Enable "Surrounded by x Enemies" if you would like to activate Berserk only when there are at least that many enemies surrounding you in an 8 yard radius.
  • Force of Nature
    • Currently no settings, simply enable to activate your 3 treants while in combat.
  • Moonfire
    • Note that Moonfire and Wrath will automatically cast regardless of any settings as long as your character is under level 6.
    • Select "Allow Pandemic Clipping" to allow the bot to refresh the Moonfire DOT at 4 or less seconds. This is viewed as a best practice and is recommended to leave enabled.
    • Select "Lunar Inspiration Talent Only" to only allow the bot to cast Moonfire if you have that talent.
  • Rake (Combo Point Generator)
    • Select "Allow Pandemic Clipping" to allow the bot to refresh the Rake DOT at 4.2 or less seconds. This is viewed as a best practice and is recommended to leave enabled.
    • Select "Stealth Opener" to allow the bot to use Rake while prowling (stealthed). Currently, this is only supported in Automated bot bases, but the next release will allow this feature to work using manual bot bases using a force combat options.
  • Shred (Combo Point Generator)
    • Select "Stealth Opener" to allow the bot to use Shred while prowling (stealthed). Currently, this is only supported in Automated bot bases, but the next release will allow this feature to work using manual bot bases using a force combat options.
  • Rip (Finisher, 5 Combo Points)
    • Select "Allow Pandemic Clipping" to allow the bot to refresh the Rip DOT at 8 or less seconds. This is viewed as a best practice and is recommended to leave enabled. Note that if the target is at 25% health or less and there is already a rolling Rip DOT, the bot will use Ferocious Bite to refresh the Rip DOT, provided Ferocious Bite is enabled.
    • Select "Enemy Health is x times my total health" to cast Rip based on the enemy's health multiple of your health. For example, if you set this to 2, and you have 200,000 health, that means that the enemy you are in combat with must have at least 200,000 * 2, or 400,000 health in order to cast Rip. This mechanism works for "less" health if you set the multiplier less than 1, also. For example, if you set this to 0.5, and you have 200,000 health, the enemy you are in combat with must have at least 200,000 * 0.5, or 100,000 health in order to cast Rip. This setting works well for dungeon and raid scenarios because you can set the multiplier to a very large number to skip using Rip on trash and to only use on boss (or boss-like) encounters.
  • Ferocious Bite (Finisher, 5 Combo Points)
    • Set the minimum required energy needed prior to using Ferocious Bite. It's recommended to set this at 50 or higher (if you would like to conserve energy) since Ferocious Bite will hit the hardest with a full energy cap of 50 (minimum 25).
  • Thrash
    • Select "Allow Pandemic Clipping" to allow the bot to refresh the Thrash DOT at 4 or less seconds. This is viewed as a best practice and is recommended to leave enabled.
    • Set the minimum number of surrounding enemies before the bot considers to use Thrash. Note that if you have at least 2 pieces of T17 gear, it is recommended that you set this to 1 to include Thrash in the general rotation on a single enemy.
    • Regardless of the number of surrounding enemies, you can enable "Clearcasting proc on single target" if you would like to apply Thrash during Clearcasting. In my personal tests, I've found that this can be a slight DPS gain.
  • Swipe
    • Set the minimum number of surrounding enemies before the bot considers to use Swipe. Note that swipe will be used in place of Shred to generate combo points when surrounded by the minimum number of enemies for swipe.
  • Incarnation: King of the Jungle
    • Select "On Cooldown" to cast Incarnation as soon as it's available while in combat.
    • Select "Enemy Health is x times my total health" to cast Incarnation based on the enemy's health multiple of your health. For example, if you set this to 2, and you have 200,000 health, that means that the enemy you are in combat with must have at least 200,000 * 2, or 400,000 health in order to cast Incarnation. This mechanism works for "less" health if you set the multiplier less than 1, also. For example, if you set this to 0.5, and you have 200,000 health, the enemy you are in combat with must have at least 200,000 * 0.5, or 100,000 health in order to cast Incarnation. This setting works well for dungeon and raid scenarios because you can set the multiplier to a very large number to skip using Incarnation on trash and to only use on boss (or boss-like) encounters.
    • Enable "Surrounded by x Enemies" if you would like to cast Incarnation only when there are at least that many enemies surrounding you in an 8 yard radius.
  • Bloodtalons
    • Select "Apply Immediately" to cast Healing Touch from Predatory Swiftness as soon as it procs.
    • Select "Apply to Finishers" to cast Healing Touch from Predatory Swiftness at 5 combo points. If the Predatory Swiftness proc is about to run out (3 seconds or less), it will cast Healing Touch regardless of what combo points you are at to ensure no loss from DPS by losing the proc. In my personal tests, I've found this setting to show a DPS advantage over applying immediately due to the increased damage multiplier application of Bloodtalons on Rip and Rake refreshes.
    • Please Note that currently the bot will not pre-apply Bloodtalons prior to combat, but I am testing some applications of that due to the damage gain of Bloodtalons with a stealthed rake opener from Improved Rake. Personally, I just apply a Healing Touch manually during a DBM pull and activate prowl.
Defensive Tab

  • Survival Instincts, Heart of the Wild
    • Please note that the bot is reactionary and cannot determine automatically that big damage is incoming (although, I am currently working on a system for this for high-end raiding). This is generally the case with almost any CR out there. What this means is that if you take big damage, and as a result of that damage are below the minimum health thresholds for these abilities, the bot will respond and cast them if they are available. In raiding scenarios, this is generally not ideal, as you would want to mitigate the damage by casting these abilities right before the damage comes in. My advise would be to set these thresholds low, and manually activate them in raiding situations when you know big damage is about to come in.
  • Incapacitating Roar, Mass Entanglement
    • Set the minimum number of surrounding enemies to cast these abilities provided you have the talents.
  • Interrupt Abilities: Skull Bash, Typhoon, Mighty Bash, and Maim
    • The interrupt settings are located on the General tab. For Maim, set the minimum number of combo points for the bot to consider using it.
  • Faerie Fire/Swarm (PvP)
    • Select the classes that you would like to apply Faeire Fire/Swarm to. For Fire, it is recommended to only set the classes that can stealth out, such as Rogue or Druid. If you have the Faerie Swarm talent, it adds a slow effect, so it can be useful to select more classes that you don't feel like chasing around as much, such as Hunter, Monk, Mage, etc.
  • Roots and Snares (Generally for PvP, but not necessarily)
    • Select "Bear Form Powershift" to try and remove a root/snare using Bear Form. Generally speaking, you will shift back to Cat Form fairly quickly but please note that some factors may cause you to stay in Bear Form a little longer (such as Loss of Control, or you are low in health so priority healing mechanisms go into effect and your GCD is on cooldown to switch). Also note that as of now, powershifting to Bear Form can only occur once every 8 seconds. This is a safety mechanism in place so that you are not constantly shifting looking like a total bot when you are being chained with a lot of Crowd Control abilities.
    • Select "Stampeding Roar" to remove roots/snares using Stampeding Roar.
    • Select "Dash" to remove roots/snares using Dash
    • Enter the reaction time in milliseconds to respond to roots/snares with the available abilities. For reference, 1000 milliseconds is 1 second. Try not to set this too low, and not look like a total bot.
Healing Tab

Not finished, more coming...
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Just tried this out and wow, this is by far the smoothest CR i have ever used on HB, Now this is the community version i know, Is there a Paid version around, i cant see it if there is.

Few things, It wont open from stealth, you have too do it yourself, wich isnt too anoying but i notice in the options rake/Shred have stealth options, So thats not working (Maybe?), Also maybe a Burst hotkey?.

Fantasticly smooth though, i couldnt beleive it.
Just tried this out and wow, this is by far the smoothest CR i have ever used on HB, Now this is the community version i know, Is there a Paid version around, i cant see it if there is.

Few things, It wont open from stealth, you have too do it yourself, wich isnt too anoying but i notice in the options rake/Shred have stealth options, So thats not working (Maybe?), Also maybe a Burst hotkey?.

Fantasticly smooth though, i couldnt beleive it.
Thanks, OhaiDur,

Right now, if you are stealthed, you do need to initiate rake yourself since the stealth opener options for Rake and Shred are intended for Bot Bases that initiate the combat for you (Like Questing or Dungeonbuddy). I'm in the middle of working on allowing the user to force combat if the enemy is near, though, which will be released in the next version. The paid version I am working on will have some sophisticated ability chaining features that will allow you to basically build mini-rotations using abilities you can set that allow for situation burst or mitigation based on triggers (think conditional requirements or hot key/toggle). This will address personalized bursting (such as stun -> berserk -> incarnation) or personalized mitigation (such as heart of the wild -> cenarion ward), or whatever abilities you want as the possibilities are endless.

Thanks for the feedback!

The best CC i used so far!!! If the Paid one will go online i will buy it instantly.
Thanks for your work.
i <3 so much
hi snow, can you post some setup explanation?
i dont have understand if i preload a cr if i have to change something
hi snow, can you post some setup explanation?
i dont have understand if i preload a cr if i have to change something
Absolutely, bud. I'm working on that and hope to have some explanations up later tonight.

hi again, after some try, the routine stop working, i use a arena manual preset, but after rake the routine do nothing, wath i have to do?
here is the log, i try the routine again, and i see a tons of "you are facing a wrong target"


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here is the log, i try the routine again, and i see a tons of "you are facing a wrong target"
Appreciate the log, Artemisha. You're right, something is definitely blocking your combat rotation. Perhaps some combination of the settings it does not like, but I'll plug your exact settings into my bot and see what's going on.

The best CR for Guardian druid out there.
I have tried TuanHa, Hazz all paid CR but the best is this free CR. (Strange that another free CR for boomkin is also the best among the other paid one).

Good job and if there is a paid version, I definitely will buy and support it.
tnks snow :D
another question, i use manual, is possible the problem is because i use rake with manual button press?
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Thanks to those for all the kind words and glad most of you are having a pleasant experience!

Artemisha, I apologize for the time it's taking (HB was unavailable last night) but I will get to this today. Manual raking is generally how I played with the CR when stealthed to initiate combat, and the bot is designed to detect manual rakes in order to track the appropriate bleed and multipliers, so you are doing it right. Could you try a couple of things? Try disabling trinkets, disable items, and turn your pandemic clipping settings on and see if that does anything. Also, is this only happening in arena, or if you try on a dummy or another area is it okay?

Thanks for your patience, we'll get figured this out.

can i reset all settings? i think the problem is some i have clocked
Yes, you can.

1. Make sure HB is not running.
2. Go into this path within your Honorbuddy folder: Settings\[YOUR REALM]\[YOUR CHARACTER NAME]\
3. There is a "Paws" folder. Delete that folder (it contains your character's presets for Paws, and it will be recreated the next time you start Honorbuddy)

Give that a shot. Note that the "Items" tab has "Orialus' Whispering Crystal" enabled by default, and that will have issues in Arena, so just right click on that item and disable it.

sup Snow, after the reset the problem is half solved, the routine now work at start, but after 25 30 second, i only cast normal attack.

let me try some arena and i give you the new log file