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Pathing, (click and and discuss).

Biggest cause of recent bans: Pathing?

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New Member
Oct 4, 2012
Think about it they've detected " the pathing" that would make so...much...sence would it not? I'm gonna take it to the booth and say, its 2 things and nothing else....path detection, and reports. Lately obviously its been more pathing detection then reporting, dating back to early winter when the weekly bans starting building up further and further.

imo, they changed some of the bgs to pulse the map.

From that moment on bans increased dramaticly. Maybe by re-writing that part, they
gave something away so blizz knows how to detect the bots movement now.
everyone is getting banned now, even on dead realms where im sure theres no reports
I was thinking about that after first char I was lvl with questing. Since that I dont use only questing for lvling. That was before 9 month.
Think about it they've detected " the pathing" that would make so...much...sence would it not? I'm gonna take it to the booth and say, its 2 things and nothing else....path detection, and reports. Lately obviously its been more pathing detection then reporting, dating back to early winter when the weekly bans starting building up further and further.

I agree. The pathing needs a lot of work. I'm running pangea and it keeps getting stuck on trees, totems, ect and just runs in place.
1 of three things will happen before or during this summer:

1. Devs will shut down Honnorbuddy to fix certain things.
2. GMs will randomly stop the sudden daily banning due to so many teleportation complaints, or something along those terms because hey....somethings gotta give.
3. A dramatic loss in new daily/weekly subs to Honnorbuddy which might cause it to shutdown possibly?

Maybe i'm way off, but in all honesty I hope something dramatic happens soon, I HOPE they shut down honnorbuddy in EU,US for a smal ammount of time, so gms wont hunt for bots as much, gold prices on servers will go up, and I think yall need a break haha
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funny how some dev's close threads without a last word. Even without any word.

Last thread closed was a poll, and before closing 1000 votes to "no i have not been banned" where added.
We all know who does that.

Stop that bullshit and say wtf is going on allready, hiding and pretending nothing is happening aint gonna
cut it this time. Teleports all over, ban reports of people getting insta perma's all over...

stop hiding like lil 12 yr olds!@

Got teleported this morning, on a fresh account... and yes, no worries, i will use the ban section!
Yeah i know what thread you are referring to. They've had 3 going on 4 months now to tell us what's going on... they must have it figured out by now... None of this, " you're just doing it wrong, blatantly" I constantly watch mine, quit with the bull**** and step forth. Don't get me wrong this is a wonderful program and it's much appriciated, but atleast, tell us your working on it?
It's super obvious to see who's botting or not now in BGs anyways, especially to someone who's botted himself. I don't use bots anymore, but whenever I see somebody use different mounts each time they mount up in BGs, I know they're botting, so I just report them and type in /bg chat for everybody else to do the same cause why not. I've probably sent out ~50 reports in the past couple of weeks and I'm not exaggerating ^^ And that's not even counting the amounts of reports that's getting absorbed from "/bg report x"
You can go in other treads where people saying that is get banned in BG and say to them that they are banned maybe from your report. People like you do not belong here. You can leave now....
Has anyone wonderer what would be like if all bots were shutdown? the gold prices would increase like 3$/k, no joke. Manuel farming and all that stuff...
You can go in other treads where people saying that is get banned in BG and say to them that they are banned maybe from your report. People like you do not belong here. You can leave now....

+1 ( 10chars )
Has anyone wonderer what would be like if all bots were shutdown? the gold prices would increase like 3$/k, no joke. Manuel farming and all that stuff...
thank god I stock pilled 10 Millions when priced droped like hell..
or maybe guys you can LOOK at someone bottling and tell INSTANTLY by the fact it clicks to move. it's a dead give away. People aren't as STUPID as they used to be. Especially in BGs. It's all over the wow forums people raising awareness for bots. And of course people report anyone gathering because they don't like the compettion. And to people using leveling profiles again it's easy to spot just because of the basic movement/pathing/combat routine. It's not natural. None of them look natural. None actually play how a normal person would. Nor do they move, like how they move when they fly etc. You also have to realize that with right click profile it's become so easy to report people.

ps. there's no such thing as a "low pop" realm with CRZ.
or maybe guys you can LOOK at someone bottling and tell INSTANTLY by the fact it clicks to move. it's a dead give away.
Click to move is an option inside of wow and to say it's a dead give-a-way is quite funny :)
I guess blizz just started to work on a way to combat bots, something that they havent cared too much
Click to move is an option inside of wow and to say it's a dead give-a-way is quite funny :)

When a tiny fraction of the overall population use it ... and a HUGE fraction of the botting community use it ... it -is- something they could use to flag or support an investigation.

On its own? Of course not. But a combination of "has many player reports" along with, when queried, "uses CtM" would make an easy way to escalate investigations.

It wouldn't suck to give the bot an option that says "disable CtM when shutting down the bot".

I actually make a point of leaving CtM on during my "normal" play and even using it randomly while playing so that it looks like a more normal part of my playstyle if I'm ever looked at.

(and my tinfoil hat is HUGE ... but I bot on a "main" account)