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Partybot error


Jan 18, 2010
I am trying to group up three RaF bots to grind a bit and hopefully IB later but I can't the followers to actually do anything and get some errors in the logs like it can't communicate with the leader. My setup is that I have three bots running on one computer with the leader set as a grindbot with the leaderplugin enabled. The rest are setup as partybots with no leader plugin enabled. I have attached the logs from both my leader and one of my followers.


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tried to start the leader Hb bot first and then the slave one?
Partybot uses port 1337,check if the port is open

but before this restart your pc and do the whole process from the beginning
Because it is on the same pc and there is no av or firewall how does the port figure into it? There should be no traffic from the outside so the port should be a non-issue. How would you even test the port status from inside to inside? Also I have rebooted many times and it made no difference.
Pinged you on msn and should be on for a couple more hours so hit me up when you have time.
For no reason that I can discern this seems to be working now. I'll monitor it some and reply if I have more issues.