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So I have a mansion in Windscour...and want to stage packs in Halo Hallow to run later across for charcoal. Is there a plugin that will auto-drive the packs from WS to HH? Any ideas?
you could use lpt load packs manually and set the trader as your other farm but you prob would need to be there when it got there or not sure what will happen ie it won't find trader and won't be able to unload packs etc or use traveler plugin and just set where to go in path and manually upload when you get there
I am using LPT for normal traderuns, and the older (not available anymore unless you had it) traderunner for the farm to farm. Just made a route from one farm to the other, (un)load packs in manually.
Probably going to write a plugin for this, but not had the time yet.