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Override "Avoid mounted player" in PvP?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
Is there a way to override the avoidance of mounted players in PvP? 9 times out of 10 the mounted player will just target me and get the first hit anyway, rather get the first fear off myself.
i asked hawker about it, and he said that would require a complete rewrite to Pull(), i suppose, a plugin could be made so when something is targeted, to take control and try and dismount the mob, if not throw a few dots on it, you could add something like
so it wouldnt interfere with whats happening, when the bot is in combat and the CC has taken over.
is a valid argument. I guess U could use it in the PvP routines to DoT targets that are mounted by using this argument as a needed true one.
No idea if it overrides the HB standard, but it's worth a try I guess.
is a valid argument. I guess U could use it in the PvP routines to DoT targets that are mounted by using this argument as a needed true one.
No idea if it overrides the HB standard, but it's worth a try I guess.
think again, ive implemented this code into Codename FrozenHeart and it still passes up monted players.
  if (Me.GotTarget && Me.CurrentTarget.Mounted && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 10 && IsBattleground() == true)
Yeah, I think the mounted check is before Pull() is ever executed in the CC.
your wasting your time, I have had a heated discussion about this. Either they are unable, or unwilling to allow ccs to overide this function
As CodenameG said, i plugin would do the trick, e.g: etrain takes complete control over HB no reason why another should not be able to do so.

With a little coding you could have cc and plugin work together.

For example you could just have the plugin execute the pulling sequence. Thus you keep the original parameters for pulling / blacklisting etc.
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As CodenameG said, i plugin would do the trick, e.g: etrain takes complete control over HB no reason why another should not be able to do so.

With a little coding you could have cc and plugin work together.

For example you could just have the plugin execute the pulling sequence. Thus you keep the original parameters for pulling / blacklisting etc.

Far more trouble then its worth, unfortunately.
We really need an easier way to override this. Watching my 70 run past mounted level 61's that would die in a few casts is silly.
/sign as well (that makes 3, maybe put a poll up for it :D)

Maybe it's alot of work, but PvP logic dictates that U attack mounted players as well (it's even a achievement to kill mounted ones in WG and AV as well).
I would really like to see the possibility that a CC can take control of this to attack mounted players.

Regards, Liquid.
We really need an easier way to override this. Watching my 70 run past mounted level 61's that would die in a few casts is silly.

OK - I hear you guys but you have to look at it from our point of view.

You level 70 will dismont, run after the mounted enemy, fail to reach it, remount, see another mounted target, dismount, run after the mounted enemy, fail to reach it, and so on. There are 40 enemies so your toon will never kill anyone.

Would it not be easier to make a macro that says "/bg I am botting - look here to see a bot!!!"

And every single player who gets banned based on reports will blame Honorbuddy and its boneheaded developers, namely me :o
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How about
if ((InBG) && (_me.CurrentTarget.Mounted) && (!_me.Mounted))
So only attack mounted players when I'm not mounted and only when in a BattleGround?
If they throw the first stone I dismount and attack anyways.

It's not that we dismount to attack (and fail to catch up with them as you describe).

It's the fact that we are dismounted already (because HB killed some stupid nub), and those enemy players drive right past us and we do nothing because they are mounted.
OK - I hear you guys but you have to look at it from our point of view.

You level 70 will dismont, run after the mounted enemy, fail to reach it, remount, see another mounted target, dismount, run after the mounted enemy, fail to reach it, and so on. There are 40 enemies so your toon will never kill anyone.

Would it not be easier to make a macro that says "/bg I am botting - look here to see a bot!!!"

And every single player who gets banned based on reports will blame Honorbuddy and its boneheaded developers, namely me :o

You don't have to make it the default :P

But at least have the option to override it, at least for our private CC's that we can configure to use it well, instead of looking bottish.

It looks kind of bottish to run (on foot) past 4 or 5 enemies just because they are mounted too, its a catch-22.
The DK can deathgrip mounted players, so it wouldnt be about playing catch up. I think it should be up to the CC dev. If they have ways to knock them off their mount, then let them. I also have several range checks where if the player gets to far away it will clear and mount.

Anyway you look at it, this should be up to the dev, not hardcoded into HB.
I'd like to add my two cents also, I agree with Mordd on this one.
Just wanted to reiterate, my lock on her mount just stood in the middle of AV as 20 mounted horde ran by (one eventually killed her), targeting each and just standing still. That really looked bottish.
you should be able to override this by making a simple plugin similar to
public override Pulse()
   while (Me.GotTarget && Me.CurrentTarget.Mounted)
         DkMountDeathgrip(); //write the deathgrip member in addon so it can be disabled
Keep in mind this is just a thought and not working code. Using similar code i have been able to override quite a bit. The above should essentially run as normal until you are targetting a mounted player, at which point it will stop navigation, death grip, then continue running as normal (starting up Combat(); from the cc).
you should be able to override this by making a simple plugin similar to
public override Pulse()
   while (Me.GotTarget && Me.CurrentTarget.Mounted)
         DkMountDeathgrip(); //write the deathgrip member in addon so it can be disabled
Keep in mind this is just a thought and not working code. Using similar code i have been able to override quite a bit. The above should essentially run as normal until you are targetting a mounted player, at which point it will stop navigation, death grip, then continue running as normal (starting up Combat(); from the cc).
i just did an update to Frozen Heart and made the addon, if it functions correctly, it should work.