I "created" a orderbot fishing tag. It really just switches to the fishing bot until the conditional is met then switches back to orerbot. beware it restarts the orderbot, so make sure your profile works starting in the middle.
It requires a plugin, which watches for the conditional to be met to stop the fishbot and restart oderbot.
Not the most elegant solution, but it works. Here's it in use in my ixali profile:
<!-- Crazy like the Pox -->
<If Condition="GetQuestStep(67045) == 2">
<MoveTo Name="Mhor Dhana Fishing Spot" XYZ="-336.2573, -17.14841, -334.4272" />
<Equip Job="Fisher" />
<FishBot While="GetQuestStep(67045) == 2" Profile="[Fishing][Mhor Dhana] - Ixali Daily.xml" />
<!-- West for Fishing -->
<If Condition="(HasQuest(67056) and GetQuestStep(67056) == 1)">
<If Condition="not IsOnMap(155)">
<TeleportTo Name="Camp Dragonhead" AetheryteId="23" />
<MoveTo Name="Coerthas Fishing Spot" XYZ="295.0583, 302.6381, -266.4279" />
<Equip Job="Fisher" />
<FishBot While="GetQuestStep(67056) == 1" Profile="[Fishing][Coerthas] - Ixali Daily.xml" />