I need help testing this, as there are a bunch of moving parts. My intent is to keep the bot moving and some values are going to need adjustments.
Mr McGibblets for fishing profile already made up, this saved me time.
iyake for the NPC Repair plugin
kagamihiiragi17 for the Fish plugin and sycho for your modifications.
Required Plugin:
NPCRepairTag.cs (place it in RebornBuddy\Plugins\OrderBotTags folder) [created by iyake]
Fish.cs (place it in RebornBuddy\Plugins\OrderBotTags folder)
Aetheryte Required:
Horizon, Aleport, Little Ala Mhigo
Profile Instruction:
Re-Number your BOTANIST Gear Set to 2 (TWO).
Re-Number your FISHER Gear Set to 6 (SIX).
Re-Number your CULINARIAN CLASS Gear Set to 14 (FOURTEEN).
Make sure you have NPCRepairTag.cs installed.
Make sure you have Fish.cs installed.
This does not collect the shards and crystals required to complete the crafts, please obtain them through market board or gather them.
You need to manually select the Rat Tail prior to fishing only for the first time.
After collecting Dzemael Tomato your character will sit there until 4pm Eorzea, this is done on purpose so you dont miss the window if you start the bot later than 1 or 2pm Eorzea.
As always, change your XYZ coordinates so you don't appear in the exact same spot as others that may use this.
View attachment Bouillabaisse_Complete.xml - 1.01 issue with Desert Saffron has been fixed and adjusted item amounts.
Mr McGibblets for fishing profile already made up, this saved me time.
iyake for the NPC Repair plugin
kagamihiiragi17 for the Fish plugin and sycho for your modifications.
Required Plugin:
NPCRepairTag.cs (place it in RebornBuddy\Plugins\OrderBotTags folder) [created by iyake]
Fish.cs (place it in RebornBuddy\Plugins\OrderBotTags folder)
Aetheryte Required:
Horizon, Aleport, Little Ala Mhigo
Profile Instruction:
Re-Number your BOTANIST Gear Set to 2 (TWO).
Re-Number your FISHER Gear Set to 6 (SIX).
Re-Number your CULINARIAN CLASS Gear Set to 14 (FOURTEEN).
Make sure you have NPCRepairTag.cs installed.
Make sure you have Fish.cs installed.
This does not collect the shards and crystals required to complete the crafts, please obtain them through market board or gather them.
You need to manually select the Rat Tail prior to fishing only for the first time.
After collecting Dzemael Tomato your character will sit there until 4pm Eorzea, this is done on purpose so you dont miss the window if you start the bot later than 1 or 2pm Eorzea.
As always, change your XYZ coordinates so you don't appear in the exact same spot as others that may use this.
View attachment Bouillabaisse_Complete.xml - 1.01 issue with Desert Saffron has been fixed and adjusted item amounts.