Scholars provide better shielding and are better for healing Warriors.
White Mages provide better healing and are better suited for healing Paladins in end game raids.
I appreciate you giving me props in your opener and being non-confrontational, but just have to strongly disagree with these two statements.
As someone who mained healer for the first year and half of this game (no bot), T1-5 WHM, T6-9 SCH (backup WHM), T10-13 BRD/NIN/SCH, I can tell you this is just simply incorrect. Sorry if it sounds harsh, I don't mean it like that or to be offensive, but I've seen the reddit theorycrafts topics and the general chit chat in game about this and it's just garbage.
If anything, it's exactly the opposite.
Because a PLD has higher damage mitigation it benefits longer from Adloquium shields and at the same time because it DOES take less damage it allows the SCH to use it's lower potency and MP heals to make up the difference in a more evenly manner. This also allows the SCH to reserve Aether stacks for assisted dps uses like Bane and Energy Drain and the occasional Lustrate for tank busters or dire situations.
Meanwhile, a WAR takes more damage consistently but gets an increase to hp healed which is directly complimented by a WHMs healing potency and Regen making it more likely to maintain even healing and less likely to overheal. Even a WHMs CD abilities like Presence of Mind and Divine Seal work seamlessly with the way a WAR needs to be healed in times of duress. And again, because of the way they work well together a WHM can lose minimal momentum in it's ability to contribute to the party dps-wise.
But all of that is moot and an improper way to evaluate their abilities, imo. It should be looked at by how each class fills it's role in different ways using different strategies/playstyles. Like I said in my previous post WHMs are REactive healers and SCHs are PROactive healers. Both are capable of doing the same content, but they have to go about it differently and in some situations one is superior to the other. You will often find that SCH is the ideal single target healer and WHM is the superb raid healing monster.