I have a problem. I'm trying to get a good operative routine. Right now the choices of premade routines are Joe's (really low DPS, but reliable. Problem here is it can't kill anything within 2 levels of me) or Wingit.
My problem with Wingit is for some reason the operative just takes off after he does his first rotation. What I mean by that is he just books it in the opposite direction of the mob if it survives the initial rotation, resulting in the MOB either resetting, or my death by pulling multiple groups.
I edited the Wingit Routine and got it running a standard high dps Lethality rotation... but it still runs away! Just to futz with it I removed sections of the combat section of the routine that tells the bot to move (such as the section at the bottom that tells it to move into melee range) and after I do that Wingit is no longer a recognized combat routine by Buddy Wing.
So, the long and short of this is I can't bot my operative anymore because I can't get a functioning combat routine that doesn't get me killed within 3 minutes of going AFK. Here's the default routine from Wingit (that also has the same problems as my edited version)
My problem with Wingit is for some reason the operative just takes off after he does his first rotation. What I mean by that is he just books it in the opposite direction of the mob if it survives the initial rotation, resulting in the MOB either resetting, or my death by pulling multiple groups.
I edited the Wingit Routine and got it running a standard high dps Lethality rotation... but it still runs away! Just to futz with it I removed sections of the combat section of the routine that tells the bot to move (such as the section at the bottom that tells it to move into melee range) and after I do that Wingit is no longer a recognized combat routine by Buddy Wing.
So, the long and short of this is I can't bot my operative anymore because I can't get a functioning combat routine that doesn't get me killed within 3 minutes of going AFK. Here's the default routine from Wingit (that also has the same problems as my edited version)
using System.Linq;
using Buddy.BehaviorTree;
using Buddy.CommonBot;
using Buddy.CommonBot.Logic;
using Buddy.Swtor;
using Buddy.Swtor.Objects;
using WingIt.CommonSubBehaviorTrees;
using WingIt.Dynamics;
using WingIt.Routines.Mirrors;
namespace WingIt.Routines
public class OperativeLethality_ScoundrelDirtyFighting : MirrorRoutine
// * You will notice that lambda expression argument names are unique (e.g., "darkWardOn", "darkWardWhen", "joltWhen"),
// instead of generic (e.g., "ctx", "ret", "on", "doWhen", "castWhen"). PLEASE honor this convention!
// This allows us to quickly localize problems when looking at user's logs. When the BehaviorTree encounters an exception
// (e.g., "object not found"), the location where an exception is thrown is identifiable only through the name
// of the lambda expression argument. Such is the nature of BehaviorTrees.
// TODO: Eliminate most of these constants in favor of the ones in Global.
#region Constants
private const double RescueResourceLevel = 45;
private const double DefaultSelfHealingLevel = 75;
private const double DefaultCompanionHealingLevel = 45;
private const double DefaultCompanionIsDeadMeHealingLevel = 50;
private const double CriticalMeHealingLevel = 20;
private const double CriticalCompanionHealingLevel = 20;
private const double CriticalResourceLevel = 25;
[Class(CharacterClass.Agent, AdvancedClass.Operative, SkillTreeId.OperativeLethality)]
[Class(CharacterClass.Smuggler, AdvancedClass.Scoundrel, SkillTreeId.ScoundrelDirtyFighting)]
public static Composite OperativeLethality_ScoundrelDirtyFighting_Pull()
return new PrioritySelector(
new Decorator(whenCrowdControlNeeded => CCTarget != null,
Cast("Slice Droid", sliceDroidOn => CCTarget, sliceDroidWhen => TargetSelect.ViableTargetList().FirstOrDefault(t => t.HasMirrorDebuffStacks("Slice Droid")) == null)),
CreateBTPS.MoveWithinRangeAndLoS(target => MyTarget, Global.Distance.Melee),
//Movement.MoveBehind(MyTarget, Global.Distance.Melee),
Cast("Hidden Strike", hiddenStrikeWhen => Me.HasBuff("Stealth")),
[Class(CharacterClass.Agent, AdvancedClass.Operative, SkillTreeId.OperativeLethality)]
[Class(CharacterClass.Smuggler, AdvancedClass.Scoundrel, SkillTreeId.ScoundrelDirtyFighting)]
public static Composite OperativeLethality_ScoundrelDirtyFighting_Combat()
return new PrioritySelector(
CreateBTPS.StopWithinRangeAndLoS(target => MyTarget, Global.Distance.Melee),
new Decorator(whenCrowdControlNeeded => CCTarget != null,
Cast("Slice Droid", sliceDroidOn => CCTarget, sliceDroidWhen => TargetSelect.ViableTargetList().FirstOrDefault(t => t.HasMirrorDebuffStacks("Slice Droid")) == null)),
// CD's
Cast("Shield Probe", shieldProbeOn => Me, shieldProbeWhen => Me.HealthPercent <= DefaultSelfHealingLevel), // Absorbs DMG for 15s
Cast("Evasion", evasionOn => Me, evasionWhen => Me.HealthPercent <= Global.Health.OhShit), // Immune to DMG for 3s
Cast("Stim Boost", stimBoostOn => Me, stimBoostWhen => Me.HasMirrorBuffStacks("Tactical Advantage", 1)), // Restores Energy over time
Cast("Adrenaline Probe", adrenalineProbeOn => Me, adrenalineProbeWhen => Resource <= RescueResourceLevel), // Restores 50 Energy
Cast("Distraction", distractionWhen => MyTarget.Range <= 1f && Global.RequiresCrowdControl), // Interrupt
Cast("Flash Bang", flashBangWhen => MyTarget.Range <= 1f && Global.RequiresCrowdControl), // Blind/Interrupt
Cast("Debilitate", debilitateWhen => MyTarget.Range <= Global.Distance.Melee && Global.RequiresCrowdControl), // Stun
// Do we need to heal ourselves or companion?
new Decorator(healWhen => (HealTarget != null) && (HealTarget.HealthPercent <= Global.Health.Mid),
new PrioritySelector
Cast("Kolto Infusion", koltoInfusionOn => HealTarget, koltoInfusionWhen => Me.HasMirrorBuffStacks("Tactical Advantage", 1)),
Cast("Diagnostic Scan", diagnosticScanOn => HealTarget, diagnosticScanWhen => Resource < CriticalResourceLevel),
Cast("Kolto Injection", koltoInjectionOn => HealTarget)
//Cast("Hidden Strike", whenStealthed => Me.IsStealthed), // requires behind Target
Cast("Eviscerate", eviscerateWhen => Global.RequiresCrowdControl),
Cast("Backstab", backstabWhen => Me.IsBehind(MyTarget)), // Requires behind Target
Cast("Corrosive Dart", corrosiveDartWhen => !MyTarget.HasDebuff("Poisoned (Tech)") && Global.RequiresCrowdControl),
//Cast("Orbital Strike", orbitalStrikeWhen => Me.MobCountAround(Global.Distance.Melee) >= 3),
Cast("Corrosive Grenade", corrosiveGrenadeWhen => Me.MobCountAround(Global.Distance.Melee) >= 3),
Cast("Fragmentation Grenade", fragmentationGrenadeWhen => Me.MobCountAround(Global.Distance.Melee) >= 3),
Cast("Carbine Burst", carbineBurstWhen => Me.MobCountAround(Global.Distance.Melee) >= 3 && MyTarget.Range <= 1f && Me.HasMirrorBuffStacks("Tactical Advantage", 2)),
Cast("Cull", cullWhen => Me.HasMirrorBuffStacks("Tactical Advantage", 2)),
Cast("Headshot", headShotWhen => MyTarget.IsStunned),
Cast("Explosive Probe"),
Cast("Overload Shot", overloadShotWhen => !Me.IsInCover()),
Cast("Rifle Shot"),
CreateBTPS.MoveWithinRangeAndLoS(target => MyTarget, Global.Distance.Melee)
[Class(CharacterClass.Agent, AdvancedClass.Operative, SkillTreeId.OperativeLethality)]
[Class(CharacterClass.Smuggler, AdvancedClass.Scoundrel, SkillTreeId.ScoundrelDirtyFighting)]
public static Composite OperativeLethality_ScoundrelDirtyFighting_OutOfCombat()
// NB: Apparently, BWcore will call this routine when in combat on occasion. It is also called while we're pulling.
return (new PrioritySelector(
new Decorator(oocBuffWhen => !Me.IsMounted,
new PrioritySelector(
// Only break cover when we're not in pull...
new Decorator(breakCoverWhen => !Me.InCombat && !TargetSelect.IsAtThePull(),
CreateBTPS.BreakCrouchOrCover()) // Prevents the 'stuck handler dance' if combat ends in crouch/cover