Is there any point to only using combat routines for high end raiding, and never for anything else, espicially afk botting, or are my risks of getting banned essentially the exact same? I know this will probably get insta burried by some "the risk of getting banned is the same as it has always been, ... there is always a risk when botting, ... if you bot your account WILL eventually get banned ..." ect. I just want to know, from someone with a lot of experience, if there's any merit to using HB exclusively for raiding, or not. If there's not, I might aswell just play the game myself, or bot everything.
Is there any point to only using combat routines for high end raiding, and never for anything else, espicially afk botting, or are my risks of getting banned essentially the exact same? I know this will probably get insta burried by some "the risk of getting banned is the same as it has always been, ... there is always a risk when botting, ... if you bot your account WILL eventually get banned ..." ect. I just want to know, from someone with a lot of experience, if there's any merit to using HB exclusively for raiding, or not. If there's not, I might aswell just play the game myself, or bot everything.