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Exactly. I can see if you are a gold seller and will make your money back in a few days with new accounts, but for just raiding, HB isn't worth it to me anymore. Every time I get halfway through mythic, I get banned.
Did you really need to open 2 threads about this topic?
If you bot, the chances of you being banned are very close to 100%. It may not be tomorrow, or even in a month or two...But if you bot, you are eventually going to lose the account you bot on.
that doesend give a shit 64 bit rotation bot if tripwire fails it wil be detected aswel it is not that the 64bit bot wil be unbeateble by blizzard anti cheat scanner if they scan for bots and get tripwire you wil be banned also on the 64bit bot the bot is connected to tripwire