After the banwave of 16th of December where i got my 1st bans,I tried to restart over.Formated pc's changed ip's etc.I started with 1 account i leveled it up manualy to 100 botted with gatherbuddy for 4 hours in the afternoon closed it for the night then the next morning i botted again with gatherbuddy for like 4-5 hours 100% supervised when i got a perm ban on it.Yes perm ban on 1st offense on that account.I gave it some time and few days ago i made 2 fresh accounts manualy leveled them up.Again formated pc's new ip's etc.I started farming with gahterbuddy with new routes and new cr's on one account 2 days ago.Not so many hours maybe 3-6 hours in two sessions always supervised.Today i was running around tanaan without the bot (Bot was not started at all) with that account while i opened HB on the other account i hadn't run HB so far just to set it up,HB worked on the account for lets say 3-5 minues and i pressed start for less than a minute to see if it's working ok and then i closed hb.Two minutes later both my accounts got PERM bans on 1st offense again.
OK. Here's what i think. HB is crap.It's 100% detectable and they will ban you no matter what.i mean when you get a perm ban on a 3-5 minute usage on a fresh account on a total new internet and machine setup it means they can detect the bot.If someone else tells you otherwise it's total BS.Yes i won't bot on an account i don't want to lose.Yes i know botting has a surtain amount of risk.No i will not accept that paying 20Euro on an account to bot with HB for a few minutes is worth anything.HB is done and beaten.Unless the devs can actualy DO SOMETHING about it using HB is a waste of money and time.
That's my two cents.
OK. Here's what i think. HB is crap.It's 100% detectable and they will ban you no matter what.i mean when you get a perm ban on a 3-5 minute usage on a fresh account on a total new internet and machine setup it means they can detect the bot.If someone else tells you otherwise it's total BS.Yes i won't bot on an account i don't want to lose.Yes i know botting has a surtain amount of risk.No i will not accept that paying 20Euro on an account to bot with HB for a few minutes is worth anything.HB is done and beaten.Unless the devs can actualy DO SOMETHING about it using HB is a waste of money and time.
That's my two cents.
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