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Official thoughts from developers?

Old Fart

New Member
Feb 6, 2010
Hey all,

Been around awhile only came back a week or so ago, been playing by hand.

I havent seen any official post by any developers or Bossland on what they think this is all about. Is it simply just saved up bans or are they tracking/detecting somehow?

If they are unsure there is certainly enough evidence now here to suggest something is not right so why not switch "off" HB until they can figure it out?

Should we not at least get an official take on this?


Old Fart
like tony would say

"its safe as always" ....

thats the statement.
not more. but yeah its a good statement, because no developer would say "dont buy the bot"...
There isn't any detection. I've used the bot and I've not been banned. Who knows - it can even be a bunch of vengfull players who started a group to find bots and report them. It is as safe as ever - but if you're using public profiles that result in a train of bots following the same path - or if you bot for 100+ hours per week, you're not really doing it "safe". Bot smart, and don't bring out your tinfoil hats and invent all kinds of conspiracies.
There isn't any detection. I've used the bot and I've not been banned. Who knows - it can even be a bunch of vengfull players who started a group to find bots and report them. It is as safe as ever - but if you're using public profiles that result in a train of bots following the same path - or if you bot for 100+ hours per week, you're not really doing it "safe". Bot smart, and don't bring out your tinfoil hats and invent all kinds of conspiracies.

Hi Thanks for your thoughts guys.

Yes been here before looks like you joined a day after me :) I have never botted long anyway only do it to support my professions and my real life time so i can enjoy the game more.

It would however still be nice to have some of the developers just say something?

Fantas i also never said anything about not buying the bot mate, if anything this would be a good time for the developers to drill in there is nothing wrong with the bot simply use it smartly and dont get greedy?
Inegro are you botting on US-Realms?

EU has some sort of script running that is banning people automatically who bot more than 4-5 hours a day (Gathering that is).
How exactly they do it, I don't know, but you should lay low in EU right now.

The bot itself however is not detected, although it's super easy to spot a HB-User nowadays. Movement is always the same and the zig-zag is a huge problem.
If it is a matter of how many nodes you collect or pattern scripts then no matter what you use or how good it is, there will still be bans.

But if it is related to the movement and the CTM and those things then yes it can be improved and we have plans to improve it regardless of blizzards plans with detection.

Thats from core developer just recently on forum, Pls pls pls, can u all check forums properly before starting threads that have been started many times before
Inegro are you botting on US-Realms?

EU has some sort of script running that is banning people automatically who bot more than 4-5 hours a day (Gathering that is).
How exactly they do it, I don't know, but you should lay low in EU right now.

The bot itself however is not detected, although it's super easy to spot a HB-User nowadays. Movement is always the same and the zig-zag is a huge problem.

Its way less than that..
Inegro are you botting on US-Realms?

EU has some sort of script running that is banning people automatically who bot more than 4-5 hours a day (Gathering that is).
How exactly they do it, I don't know, but you should lay low in EU right now.

The bot itself however is not detected, although it's super easy to spot a HB-User nowadays. Movement is always the same and the zig-zag is a huge problem.

I don?t agree with you, yesterday I ran GB for 10 hours and I didn?t get banned.
Inegro are you botting on US-Realms?

EU has some sort of script running that is banning people automatically who bot more than 4-5 hours a day (Gathering that is).
How exactly they do it, I don't know, but you should lay low in EU right now.

The bot itself however is not detected, although it's super easy to spot a HB-User nowadays. Movement is always the same and the zig-zag is a huge problem.

Been botting for weeks gathering for 6+ hours each day, not a single ban!
How can you say false?
I got banned, you got lucky, so I guess you CAN be safe but you can also get banned.

And at the moment a lot of people are getting banned, so I would say he should be careful if he starts botting now.
How can you say false?
I got banned, you got lucky, so I guess you CAN be safe but you can also get banned.

And at the moment a lot of people are getting banned, so I would say he should be careful if he starts botting now.

i'm saying false because it isn't scripted. It's more than likely just a piled up amounts of reports.
Gotta love botting in EU.

Super low price per K
Ban scripts

I have 4 accounts, no bans yet but if it happens I'll just quit, shit aint worth the time, I already made enough money to recover every thing i spent so w/e.
It's amazing how the lucky ones who haven't got bans yet assume that all those who've been banned got banned because they did not bot smart!
I really think they have something to detect BOTs in an easier way than before. Been botting for a long time (at the very start of pirox) and got my very first ban 2 days ago, never got banned for years till now. There might be something wrong or I dunno... At least in EU
So, I have been botting since beginning of cataclysm. I always had 1 main account + 1 slave (bot) account.

I always used all kind of botbases: dungeonbuddy, grinding, gathering, battlegrounds, and even arena bots.

Until last month, I had received only 2 bans, and all of them lifted after a ticket telling I was innocent.

- Ban for trading high ammount of gold inter-accounts (my bot account to my main account)
- Grinding at the same place for 4 levels. (grind-levelling).

I botted the whole CATA, with no bans. Heavy botting with gatherbuddy in uldum. No bans.

Then... about 1 month ago... I got banned at my gathering account. Opened a ticket, the ban was lifted. Restarted botting. After 1 week, I was perma-banned: "Use of bots".

I hellraised then an old account (lvl 85 char), and botted for about a month at level 85 areas: Uldum, vash'jir (aquatic form). Gathered tons of herbs and ore. NO BAN.

Then I decided to try levelling the account to 90. Bought MOP expansion, and levelled from 85 to 90 at the kota-peak cave. (grind from 85 to 90, nostop). No ban yet.

When I dinged 90, started gathering with GB2. No other types of bot activity except from an occasional lazyriding 5 mans.

When I decided I needed some improved gathering, I used my personal profile + rarekiller2 (modified version) + gathebuddy bot to camp FORAGER'S GLOVES.

I went to bed. Next day woke up and I had the gloves.

Then I went to work, and left my druid gathering with forager gloves. Plugins up were:

Mr. Item Remover
Auto Blacklist
Tidy Bags
Potion User.

Profile used was:

Dragofarm [GB2] Ghost iron ore only.xml

I wanted to avoid the evil trees at jade forest.

When I was at work, received an e-mail at my phone: Your account was banned: hacks. Appealing was unsuccessful.


Advice from a very experienced botter.



See you friends. I am away from botworld until things get safe again and the team discover how it is being detected.

It seems that the honorbuddy team keeps the SILENCE about what is happening, as they dont want the chaos to spred and that would affect bot sales. But unfortunately: GATHERBUDY IS BEING DETECTED SOMEHOW.