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Official 1-50 Questing Pack


Official Profile and Singular Developer
Nov 28, 2012
Read Me before continuing.
Currently this pack is on pause and the existing code that's there may not be very functional.
Various bugs are expected!


(what is this?)

This is the official Questing pack for Wildbuddy.
The goal of this (of course) is to level your character to 50 or for completionists looking for 100%'ing quest zones.

Currently, the profiles are a work in progress and aren't fully 1-50 (but will soon be!)
An alternative to Quest-leveling would be to use Grinding profiles.

If any other community developer decides to take on the challenge of making a Grinding profile pack, I will gladly post a link to it here.

Exile Grinding, by stankywizard Exile Grind Profiles -- In Progress


Every questing zone is broken up into its own profile. Once the profile is completed, the bot will stop.
Alternatively, if you're looking for uninterrupted questing, you may use the Auto-Compiler profile.
This profile will detect your character's faction and level - then compile the individual questing profiles into it so that they all act as one huge profile.

Loading and Starting a profile
  1. Make sure that 'Profile Bot' is selected on Wildbuddy.
  2. Pick your Combat Routine.
  3. Select 'Load Profile' at the top of the bot.
  4. Navigate to the Auto-Loader profile (preferred.)
  5. Select the profile you want to use and click 'Open.'
  6. Wait for a 'Profile Loaded' confirmation message on Wildbuddy.
  7. Click 'Start' at the top right of the bot.


Please report Wildbuddy core-bugs to this thread:
Wildbuddy Release Thread
Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log

As bugs are found, they will be listed and addressed here.
Currently there is no list to populate this section with.

If you have a bug to report, please provide as much detail as possible and attach your log to this thread.
Also, before posting your bug report, check here to make sure your issue isn't already listed.

Bot may get hung up on underdeveloped quests. Mostly quests that require you to push 'T' or click in-game.

Bot may get hung up on underdeveloped quests. Mostly quests that require you to push 'T' or click in-game.


(these profiles are created without experience buffs!)
These profiles are in a "building" state.
At the moment I'm trying to complete every questing zone.
In-depth debugging and reliability checking hasn't been worked in yet.
Once I have a 1-50 on both factions, I'll start fine-tuning the profiles.

Auto Compiler
This profile is designed to compile all of the individual questing profiles into one.
Which profiles are compiled is dependant on your characters faction and level.
This profile is designed specifically for people looking to level their characters.​

Exile Questing
The current public release for Exile Questing is at 1-25.
All 1-14 zones are fully supported along with the Tutorial skip.
Some quests may be skipped which will cause the bot to hang up and are awaiting further bot functionality.​

Dominion Questing
The current public release for Dominion Questing is at 1-22.
Crimson Isle and Dreadune are not fully supported. You must quest in Levian Bay and Ellevar.
Some quests may be skipped which will cause the bot to hang up and are awaiting further bot functionality.​

Method of approach
Instead of doing a single faction from 1-50 before addressing the other, I'm planning on alternating between the two.
Per 5 levels, I will jump to the other faction. I cannot guarantee a set amount of levels per week since most of my time can be invested into multiple things.
(Ex: Debugging existing quests, cleaning up older lines, removing commented lines, etc)
Updates will be released at the end of every day (assuming I'm not being lazy!)

As stated above, these profiles are created without the use of experience buffs.
With no experience buffs at all, the profiles *should* get you to their advertised goal (ex: 3-6 Celestion will get you from 3 to 6.)
While it's not required, I do recommend using experience buffs for reliability.​


Currently the profiles are shipped with the bot.
However, the shipped profiles aren't always up to date since they're only updated as the bot is.
The default directory for the shipped profiles is: Wildbuddy -> Profiles ->

To ensure you're always using an up-to-date version, you may use SVN to checkout the profiles.
SVN: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/wildstar-routines-and-profiles.profiles/trunk/
(a zip alternative will be posted soon)

Sometime in the future I plan on making a remote version of the profiles.
The remote version will provide instant updates without the need of updating the profile.​
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I have a up to date copy of zygor if you need it just give me a shout.
Sounds good.
At the moment I'm just getting a strong foundation on the profiles.
Bashing out 1-50 as quick as possible.

Once I hit 50 on both factions I'm going to go back through them and fine-tune them as much as possible.
Clean up stuff, remove questing sections, add questing sections, add path quests, make the bot use experience buffs, etc.
During this phase, the guide may be helpful.
Well do me a and the community a favor and make the plugin open source until it is stable! That way i can take note of issues whilst monitoring and questing and fix/report them

P.s. any idea how we go about solving the nav server issue?
Well do me a and the community a favor and make the plugin open source until it is stable! That way i can take note of issues whilst monitoring and questing and fix/report them

P.s. any idea how we go about solving the nav server issue?
I think Apoc got the nav-server issues cleaned up. ^^
There's a typo where it checks the settler starting quest against being a scientist

		<If Condition="GameManager.LocalPlayer.PlayerPathType == PlayerPathType.Scientist" > <!-- Settler -->
			<PickUpQuest QuestId="8931" CreatureId="52535" MapId="1634" CommunicatorPickUp="true" />
			<TurnInQuest QuestId="8931" CreatureId="52535" CreatureName="Settler Decima" MapId="1634" X="836.801453" Y="87.48979" Z="-1018.79456" />

Should instead be

		<If Condition="GameManager.LocalPlayer.PlayerPathType == PlayerPathType.Settler" > <!-- Settler -->
			<PickUpQuest QuestId="8931" CreatureId="52535" MapId="1634" CommunicatorPickUp="true" />
			<TurnInQuest QuestId="8931" CreatureId="52535" CreatureName="Settler Decima" MapId="1634" X="836.801453" Y="87.48979" Z="-1018.79456" />
There's a typo where it checks the settler starting quest against being a scientist

		<If Condition="GameManager.LocalPlayer.PlayerPathType == PlayerPathType.Scientist" > <!-- Settler -->
			<PickUpQuest QuestId="8931" CreatureId="52535" MapId="1634" CommunicatorPickUp="true" />
			<TurnInQuest QuestId="8931" CreatureId="52535" CreatureName="Settler Decima" MapId="1634" X="836.801453" Y="87.48979" Z="-1018.79456" />

Should instead be

		<If Condition="GameManager.LocalPlayer.PlayerPathType == PlayerPathType.Settler" > <!-- Settler -->
			<PickUpQuest QuestId="8931" CreatureId="52535" MapId="1634" CommunicatorPickUp="true" />
			<TurnInQuest QuestId="8931" CreatureId="52535" CreatureName="Settler Decima" MapId="1634" X="836.801453" Y="87.48979" Z="-1018.79456" />
Caught it the other day. xD Should already be fixed, just not published yet.
It along with several other starting zone bugs (both factions.)

Thanks for the report!
I went ahead and snagged WS for $20... I figure that's just $5 more than the cost of a month sub, so at that price it is worth trying out.

I would certainly donate (if you accept donatinons) for these profiles you have made, especially once they go all the way to 50. Will be trying out what you have available after thanksgiving.
I went ahead and snagged WS for $20... I figure that's just $5 more than the cost of a month sub, so at that price it is worth trying out.

I would certainly donate (if you accept donatinons) for these profiles you have made, especially once they go all the way to 50. Will be trying out what you have available after thanksgiving.
They'll definately go to 50. It's just a matter of time. xD
There's still some kinks throughout the existing code, all will be addressed and cleaned up as time progresses.

I'm still in the early stages of just *getting the levels out there.*
This is broken on my level 10 Exile Engineer:

Moved to new profile element: <If Condition="not HasQuest(6761) and not IsQuestComplete(6761)" /> (Line #403)
Element line number: 403
Picking up quest Everstar Grove (6761)
Awaiting quest pick up...
This is broken on my level 10 Exile Engineer:
Currently the profiles only support the Everstar Grove starting zone.
If the profile leveled you, it should attempt to go to Everstar rather than the other place.
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Thinking about buying this how is the 1-50 profile going?
Is it still currently only 1-20 supported?
Do you know how long it takes to bot from 1-20?
Thinking about buying this how is the 1-50 profile going?
Is it still currently only 1-20 supported?
Do you know how long it takes to bot from 1-20?
Currently 1-22 with no experience buffs. With experience buffs it could be a lot higher since experience buffs are easy to come by.
The levels are increasing every day (except weekends) for both factions. I'm not entirely sure how long a straight-shot of 1-22 would take, I haven't been able to experiment much with it yet.

Currently 1-22 with no experience buffs. With experience buffs it could be a lot higher since experience buffs are easy to come by.
The levels are increasing every day (except weekends) for both factions. I'm not entirely sure how long a straight-shot of 1-22 would take, I haven't been able to experiment much with it yet.

Okay thank you for response. I will wait until this get's developed a bit more and for wildstar to get a holiday price cut.
for me it won't even do the first quest in levian bay it goes WAY far from here moves back and forth and then stands there nowhere near the quest giver of "welcome to levian bay" then stands there and this is the error. I tried this both with and with out the tutorial and even tried to move forward a little and excpet the quest and target the creatures and everthying no response. here is the errors I got

Picking up quest Welcome to Levian Bay (9130)
Moving towards pick up creature.
Attempting interact with quest pick up creature #1
Exception during execution of profile tag <If Condition="GameManager.LocalPlayer.IsDominion" /> (Line #41)System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.CommonBehaviors.z9\,W<?A^hT\[mUedJt~8l'\] B.()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.ProfileTags.Quest.PickUpQuest.: \,q3I5<g!E:_AUw3Wh?kdF?.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.IfTag.A41Kz\*DsHRdK3{g6<Wnx\.m7C.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.IfTag.A41Kz\*DsHRdK3{g6<Wnx\.m7C.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.IfTag.A41Kz\*DsHRdK3{g6<Wnx\.m7C.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.ProfileBot.ProfileBot.u1(p|\\5Aak 4V=8uMu^nS1Hn.MoveNext()
for me it won't even do the first quest in levian bay it goes WAY far from here moves back and forth and then stands there nowhere near the quest giver of "welcome to levian bay" then stands there and this is the error. I tried this both with and with out the tutorial and even tried to move forward a little and excpet the quest and target the creatures and everthying no response. here is the errors I got

Picking up quest Welcome to Levian Bay (9130)
Moving towards pick up creature.
Attempting interact with quest pick up creature #1
Exception during execution of profile tag <If Condition="GameManager.LocalPlayer.IsDominion" /> (Line #41)System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.CommonBehaviors.z9\,W<?A^hT\[mUedJt~8l'\] B.()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.ProfileTags.Quest.PickUpQuest.: \,q3I5<g!E:_AUw3Wh?kdF?.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.IfTag.A41Kz\*DsHRdK3{g6<Wnx\.m7C.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.IfTag.A41Kz\*DsHRdK3{g6<Wnx\.m7C.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.IfTag.A41Kz\*DsHRdK3{g6<Wnx\.m7C.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.ProfileBot.ProfileBot.u1(p|\\5Aak 4V=8uMu^nS1Hn.MoveNext()
Please report any core-bugs to this thread along with a full log:

In the mean time, I'll bring this error to Apoc's attention.

Hi all,

I don't know what's happening with the bot but seams it's not usable for me. Maybe profiles issue ?

Here is the logs of my session from lvl 1 to lvl 3 in the start ship.

Now i am in Northern wilds. From this point i can't go further with the bot. Before that i needed to unhang the bot several time.

View attachment Logs.zip
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Hi all,

I don't know what's happening with the bot but seams it's not usable for me. Maybe profiles issue ?

Here is the logs of my session from lvl 1 to lvl 3 in Northern wilds.

From this point i can't go further with the bot. Before that i needed to unhang the bot several time.

View attachment 160032

It seems that you're having troubles connecting to the navigation server.
Could you try disabling your firewall? Or, open port 3106 for TCP.
I drop the windows firewall (the only one i have) and get the same issue.

Is it necessary to NAT the port 3106 ?
I drop the windows firewall (the only one i have) and get the same issue.

Is it necessary to NAT the port 3106 ?
Sorry for the delayed response.
I believe it was an internal issue and Apoc may of fixed it.