Is the OCR version still being updated? If yes, where can I find it?
I don't think OCR version will come back since the Beta version looks to have more possibilities and looks to be more stable also.
Is the OCR version still being updated? If yes, where can I find it?
patched out? I am using the OCR version as we speak and it seems to be working as it should.
You're probably going to get caught. There's a reason they stopped supporting it.
You're probably going to get caught. There's a reason they stopped supporting it.
dont make the peoples crazy.
OCR-Bot is out of date since the last two patches, it is not use-able anymore. So what the hell you are talking about ?Haha, if you aren't going to support it then there's the chance that Blizzard will intercept it. Never use an unsupported bot ever.
OCR-Bot is out of date since the last two patches, it is not use-able anymore. So what the hell you are talking about ?
Stormbuddy Beta is undetectable since release, every patch we check about new things. You have the same risk like with the OCR-Bot, if someone want to play really save, dont bot.
It soounds like people are either in fact Using the CR bot still. or are confusing it with the new the Alpha / Beta