nah i mean a live watch mode cuz i got alot of friends playing hearthstone and its so .... to klick all the time after each game friendlist and that button
sometimes i like to watch on my 2nd screen hearthstone when i do other things
oh, Yeah that shouldn't be hard to implement. 1 checkbox (Join random game) and one textbox where you can put in player name if you only want to watch one friend.I believe he is talking about having the bot be able to stream other people's game, since currently in hearthstone after a spectated game is over you got to go back into friend list and click on spectate again to watch their next game.
It's in the beta now, uncheck hide inactive game modes and you can select it.YAY cant wait ;D
pushedx; You guys are ridiculous fast at implementing new stuff - I LOVE IT!![]()