This is just an early heads up for anyone that sees it that the next Beta/Release will update several libraries used in the bot. This may or may not cause issues for some people updating, so if you run into any issues, please download a clean copy of the bot and copy your settings over. Since plugins load from source, most should not be affected.
The next set of patch notes for Beta for this patch are as follows:
The next set of patch notes for Beta for this patch are as follows:
- Loki.Common.ScriptManager updated with modernization changes.
- Initialize now registers types in their entirety by name. Before, only public static methods were registered into the global namespace. This means most existing Python code will break. This is because methods must now be accessed though their type. For example, MyMethod used to be valid, but now must be MyType.MyMethod.
- Properties are now supported, before they were not. Extensions should continue to work like before.
- HelixToolkit updated to 2015.1.657 from 2015.1.503
- IronPython updated to 2.7.5 from 2.7.1
- MahApps.Metro updated to 1.2.0 from 1.1.2
- Newtonsoft.Json updated to 8.0.2 from 7.0.1