Here is my 2nd appeal and response below for giggles. Pretty much reckless faggotry on my part, but I was really pissed and wanted to let off some steam. Think a 3rd appeal has a chance? LOL
I cut and pasted the .txt file as follows
Dear Blizzard,
(You may want to re-read my previous ticket on this same issue, or my references to the CSR "Thumb-dick Thyorrke" may not make sense to you)
Well, I guess I might as well drive the last nail in the coffin you fucks built for me. You see, the license termination of my account that took away over 350+ 24 hour days played from my life over the past 5+ years would be easy to take if I HAD ACTUALLY DONE WHAT YOU FUCKING ACCUSED ME OF!!! The very first thing I did when I received my 31 July ban for "exploitive behavior" was rip that shit off my machine, in order to avoid the very scenario which has now inexplicably happened. So that's how I know that the CSR Thumb-dick Thyorrke is lying, incompetent, or most likely both. But since you lower life forms don't have to provide the evidence, or answer for your gross buffoonery except through these tickets that you probably barely read (if you can read), I guess I'll never know if you just didn't look (thanks for the boiler plate answer to an issue that erased six years of my life on the last ticket btw, I appreciate the effort you cowardly fucks) or you are looking at activity from before the ban which I was already punished for and corrected, or activity that looks like bot activity, like the 100+ AV's THAT I FUCKING GRINDED THE PAST TWO WEEKENDS, and mistaking it for bot activity.....or you're just incompetent and don't give a flying fuck about flushing an account down the drain that has generated hundreds and hundreds of dollars of revenue for your pathetic company. But what I do know, with a great deal of certainty, is that I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, HAVE NOT BOTTED OR EXPLOITED IN ANY WAY SINCE MY PUNISHMENT. IN FACT, IT IS QUITE FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE.
So, since I now have no hope of this being reversed, let me enlighten whatever chimp at blizzard reads this. I'm sure you take great pleasure in the fact that you hurt me, and believe me you did, but not near as badly as I am going to hurt you. I have owned every blizzard game on console or computer since WCII, but I will never buy another. I work in the video game industry, and I will talk down your games, your company, and recommend your competition to anyone who will listen for the remainder of my days. Unlike the many people who probably threaten that, I mean it and will religiously do it. Remember, I played your shit game for over a year (that's a year in front of the computer playing it, not a year calendar time) so I know something about perseverance. I don't know if you guys are keeping up on current events, but you are hemorrhaging subs at an alarming rate, and I am in a position to know. The death knell for WoW has long since tolled, and you can?t un-ring the bell.
In the finest homage to trade chat, and my last communication with you on this issue, may I please say that I hope you, and especially your loved ones, die horribly in a fire with their mouths open screaming your name.
Xjindar the DK
Customer Service Representative
****Notice of Account Closure****
Account Action: Closure
Reason for Action: Exploitation Policy Violation - Unapproved Third Party Software
I've read the .txt file you sent, and after a thorough investigation, we have found that a player of the account listed above has used unauthorized game modifications.
The use of these modifications violates the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask that you take a moment to review these terms at
Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use.
You may not use cheats, bots, mods, hacks or any other software designed to gain an unfair advantage in World of Warcraft.
Furthermore, the use of these types of programs has a tremendous negative impact on the game and other players. This impact can take many forms including an inflated game economy and server instability.
This World of Warcraft account has been closed by the Account Administration staff based on a review of the account and all related policy violations.
This action has been taken in accordance with the Terms of Use and our In-Game Policies ( Any recurring subscriptions on this account have been suspended to prevent further monetary charges.
Only the Account Administration department can address disputes or questions you may have about this account action. To learn more about how we are able to assist you, please visit us at
In summation: I agree with the poster in this thread (or maybe it was another I read) that admitting botting at any time is a low percentage play and a bad idea. Good luck to you!