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hey im trying to heal as a resto druid lvl 84 to level . does it matter what profile i have loaded and do i have to choose custom class or does it automaticly figure out im healing ?
Would you say you have noob rage? Try using LazyRaider or RaidBot as your bot base. They aren't packages with the bot, so you gotta download them. Singular supports druid healing, and there are some other druid healing CCs around also.
well i have what HB come with and i think it has singular's cc but when im on my resto spec and go into an instance it dosent heal anyone . and yes im getting noob rage at it right now cause i cant figure out what im doing wrong lol
I don't think singular supports spec swapping, logs are always saved and time stamped, zip if they are too large to upload. Please try without changing specs and post the log.
Aright i got it to heal some just got to figure out if i got it setup right . i dont like the movement it does auto so ima have to figure out how to change it and i also go lazyraider . so i think all i need to do is get all the settings correct and ill be gtg