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Noob IP question (but asking anyway :D)


New Member
Aug 4, 2016
So I originally came here for the pokefarmer but after enjoying the quality of this site with that bot I got lured into wanting to bot some in wow and get back into it for legion. I actually had a roomy recently who used honorbot(s) at my place and on my pc and it got banned. Neither of us were that bummed about it because we went into it without doing enough research and took it as a good learning experience. Now I'm getting ready for round two and wanted to better prepared. I'm a little paranoid that after banning those acounts that my IP would be "monitored". I know that no one can for sure answer the question of "does blizz monitor ip after ban" but if I changed my IP could I still be flagged and monitored when I make new accounts or does blizz have no way of keeping me flagged with a changed IP? I apologize for the dumb question its just I'm an idiot when it comes to the whole IP network stuff.
No. Blizzard does not IP ban or monitor IP's of previously banned accounts.

Thank you very much for the fast reply. I knew that they didn't ban IPs but wasn't sure about the monitoring. How do you know this?
Alright, I'm gonna give you advice I wish I had been given. I've gotten two six month bans and one permanent ban.

#1. They don't monitor IP like goat said, they also don't monitor entire accounts. Like your whole battle.net email, you can make another fresh account on the same email that had a perma banned account and you start as if you're a fresh greenie with a perfectly spot free record, and no monitoring at all.

#2. AFK Botting -will- get you banned. Not immediately, but eventually it will. 100% guarantee. I do bot and let the bot take control of menial things like apexis farming or leveling, but I -never- leave my computer completely unattended while I do it. I'm always at the house to check on it just in case. I only let the bot take movement control maybe a total of three hours every week. So I'm pretty safe* there, in terms of ban risk.

#3. Combat routines usage. Now, I DO use combat routines, but I always hold the steering wheel. I'm always in control of movement, but I let high quality combat routines do most fighting for me in terms of rotations. That as well is pretty safe*. I survived the last two ban waves with it.

#4. Questbot. Now questing is tricky. What Blizzard monitors a looot for botting is repetitive actions, especially over a long period of time, say 2-3 hours straight. They start noticing when you're travelling basically the exact same path over and over and over for a very long time, following the same basic coordinates, always ending up at the same place pretty much the same way. Don't do it often if you can avoid it.

#5. Gold farming. Don't. Just don't. Buy gold from a credible website or find a seller on here or somewhere else credible. Never gold farm on an account you aren't prepared to lose. You WILL get banned. 100%. Do not buy gold with RL money over the amount of 60-100k. NEVER use the auction house for large gold transfers. You'll get caught. 100%. The auction house is VERY tightly monitored.

#6. The usage of the word safe* in this post. Nothing is ever safe. Even following the safest* possible method, like me, you can still get banned permanently. There will always be a chance. It's just how low or high your chance is depending on your botting patterns and habits.

Summary: Basically, try to do everything yourself while using Enyo and letting a GOOD combat routine from the store handle the rotations. Still a risk, you can still can caught and banned, but it's WAY lower. Try not to afk from the bot -eeverrrr-.

Happy botting!
They do not IP ban but they DO Hardware ID ban you, but you have to be a prolific cheater + botter to have this happen and I only know of ONE case of this happening (the guy was scamming ppl with his products + cheating rampantly in arenas).

You get banned two ways; player reports or ban waves. Nothing will save you from a ban wave and you should expect one every 6-8 months on average. Players aren't stupid anymore and can tell if you bot, you will get reported weather you supervise it or not. There's literally nothing you can do about getting banned. I've had suicide accounts last 2 months of 24/7 botting and others have lasted 3 weeks and been snagged during the leveling process.


The advice above is completely wrong in warning against farming gold. There's nothing else to do with honorbuddy other than farm gold. It's really difficult to recommend boosting your main account with honorbuddy with how frequent the ban waves are now. If you do chose to farm gold, you can either moderate the time you farm and try keep your account longer or just suicide bot it 24/7 for 1-1.1/2 months and then let it go (this is what I do )

You are generally safe with CR useage but again ban waves are frequent and I'd not recommend using a CR on a main account... I don't really see the point of them if you're not using them for raiding on a main account but I guess each to his own. There are also reports in the ban forums of people ONLY using CR and getting caught outside of waves.
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Dazzic, I greatly appreciate the advice and will use all of it to become a smarter botter. If I ever do gold farm it will def be on an account I don't care about. Actually, anything that I do that involves botting will be attached with accounts that I don't care to lose. I also didn't even know about Enyo so thank you very much for the advice!
Thanks for the advice samantha, I def have accepted that its not if, but when I get my accounts banned, just wanted to try and make them last as long as I could by minimizing easy mistakes. I have never heard of a hardware ID ban though, so I'll have to look that up and add it to another one of my paranoia's lol.