[1:38:06 AM:927] Starting Honorbuddy 1.331
[1:38:06 AM:941] Building spell book
[1:38:06 AM:970] Adding: Auto Attack.
[1:38:06 AM:999] Adding: Dodge.
[1:38:07 AM:14] Adding: Dual Wield.
[1:38:07 AM:31] Adding: First Aid.
[1:38:07 AM:59] Adding: Gemcutting.
[1:38:07 AM:88] Adding: Gift of the Naaru.
[1:38:07 AM:103] Adding: Heroic Presence.
[1:38:07 AM:117] Adding: Leatherworking.
[1:38:07 AM:148] Adding: Master of Anatomy.
[1:38:07 AM:163] Adding: Parry.
[1:38:07 AM:178] Adding: Shadow Resistance.
[1:38:07 AM:194] Adding: Skinning.
[1:38:07 AM:222] Adding: Throw.
[1:38:07 AM:240] Adding: Aspect of the Beast.
[1:38:07 AM:256] Adding: Aspect of the Cheetah.
[1:38:07 AM:270] Adding: Aspect of the Hawk.
[1:38:07 AM:285] Adding: Aspect of the Monkey.
[1:38:07 AM:302] Adding: Aspect of the Pack.
[1:38:07 AM:320] Adding: Aspect of the Viper.
[1:38:07 AM:336] Adding: Aspect of the Wild.
[1:38:07 AM:351] Adding: Beast Lore.
[1:38:07 AM:365] Adding: Bestial Wrath.
[1:38:07 AM:381] Adding: Call Pet.
[1:38:07 AM:397] Adding: Dismiss Pet.
[1:38:07 AM:411] Adding: Eagle Eye.
[1:38:07 AM:427] Adding: Eyes of the Beast.
[1:38:07 AM:443] Adding: Feed Pet.
[1:38:07 AM:458] Adding: Intimidation.
[1:38:07 AM:473] Adding: Kill Command.
[1:38:07 AM:491] Adding: Mend Pet.
[1:38:07 AM:507] Adding: Revive Pet.
[1:38:07 AM:523] Adding: Scare Beast.
[1:38:07 AM:540] Adding: Tame Beast.
[1:38:07 AM:558] Adding: Arcane Shot.
[1:38:07 AM:573] Adding: Auto Shot.
[1:38:07 AM:590] Adding: Concussive Shot.
[1:38:07 AM:606] Adding: Distracting Shot.
[1:38:07 AM:628] Adding: Flare.
[1:38:07 AM:644] Adding: Hunter's Mark.
[1:38:07 AM:660] Adding: Multi-Shot.
[1:38:07 AM:675] Adding: Rapid Fire.
[1:38:07 AM:690] Adding: Scorpid Sting.
[1:38:07 AM:724] Adding: Serpent Sting.
[1:38:07 AM:741] Adding: Steady Shot.
[1:38:07 AM:759] Adding: Tranquilizing Shot.
[1:38:07 AM:773] Adding: Viper Sting.
[1:38:07 AM:789] Adding: Volley.
[1:38:07 AM:806] Adding: Disengage.
[1:38:07 AM:824] Adding: Explosive Trap.
[1:38:07 AM:840] Adding: Feign Death.
[1:38:07 AM:855] Adding: Freezing Trap.
[1:38:07 AM:870] Adding: Frost Trap.
[1:38:07 AM:886] Adding: Immolation Trap.
[1:38:07 AM:905] Adding: Misdirection.
[1:38:07 AM:924] Adding: Mongoose Bite.
[1:38:07 AM:944] Adding: Raptor Strike.
[1:38:07 AM:959] Adding: Snake Trap.
[1:38:07 AM:978] Adding: Track Beasts.
[1:38:07 AM:992] Adding: Track Demons.
[1:38:08 AM:6] Adding: Track Dragonkin.
[1:38:08 AM:25] Adding: Track Elementals.
[1:38:08 AM:43] Adding: Track Giants.
[1:38:08 AM:62] Adding: Track Hidden.
[1:38:08 AM:77] Adding: Track Humanoids.
[1:38:08 AM:91] Adding: Track Undead.
[1:38:08 AM:106] Adding: Wing Clip.
[1:38:08 AM:109] Spell book built
[1:38:08 AM:240] Engine started
[1:38:11 AM:292] Re-compile complete.
[1:38:07 AM:131] [Navigator (Western Northrend 68-80.mesh)]: Changed destination! Last: <NaN, NaN, NaN>, new: <4164.458, 5284.03, 26.37683>
[1:38:23 AM:3] No pet.
[1:38:23 AM:81] CastSpellById: 883
[1:38:23 AM:279] Call Pet: Instant Cast.
[1:38:23 AM:281] Call Pet.
[1:38:24 AM:605] CastSpellById: 6991
[1:38:24 AM:809] Feed Pet: Instant Cast.
[1:38:25 AM:330] Feed Pet...
[1:38:58 AM:830] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:38:58 AM:918] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:38:59 AM:24] Exception Localplayer.cs GotAlivePet.
[1:38:59 AM:44] No pet.
[1:38:59 AM:686] CastSpellById: 6991
[1:38:59 AM:872] Feed Pet: Instant Cast.
[1:39:00 AM:394] Feed Pet...
[1:39:55 AM:788] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:39:55 AM:792] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:40:25 AM:540] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:40:25 AM:546] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:40:25 AM:549] Exception Localplayer.cs GotAlivePet.
[1:40:25 AM:556] No pet.
[1:40:35 AM:557] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:40:35 AM:561] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:40:45 AM:563] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:40:45 AM:567] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:40:55 AM:569] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:40:55 AM:577] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:41:05 AM:580] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.WoWSpell.()
[1:41:05 AM:585] CastSpellById: 883
[1:41:15 AM:588] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.SpellManager.CastSpellById(UInt32 spellid)
[1:41:35 AM:735] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:41:35 AM:739] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:41:45 AM:741] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:41:45 AM:746] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:41:55 AM:764] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:41:55 AM:768] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:42:05 AM:771] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:42:05 AM:775] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:42:15 AM:778] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.WoWSpell.()
[1:42:15 AM:783] CastSpellById: 883
[1:42:25 AM:785] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.SpellManager.CastSpellById(UInt32 spellid)
[1:42:45 AM:927] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:42:45 AM:932] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:42:55 AM:936] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:42:55 AM:941] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:43:05 AM:943] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:43:05 AM:948] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:43:15 AM:950] GetGuidByKeyword failed!
[1:43:15 AM:955] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.ObjectManager.(String keyword, UInt64& guid, Int32 unk)
[1:43:25 AM:957] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.WoWSpell.()
[1:43:25 AM:962] CastSpellById: 883
[1:43:35 AM:964] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.SpellManager.CastSpellById(UInt32 spellid)