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yeah that's a 'warn' and your acc is 'blind'. the warn should go away after about a week and the blind should go away after about 10-14 days.
unfortunately, even though the devs claim they update the bot so it isn't detectable whenever they release a new version due to a patch.. it is detectable. As a result there's a good chance of getting a suspension if you bot for even a moderate amount of time.. (i've got 40 something accounts I rotate through so it doesn't bother me as much as it should but it can be inconvenient at times..)
I really wish people would stop using the word 'ban' for everything, a ban is permanent. a suspension or restriction would be a more accurate way to describe what niantic does to botting accounts when it finds them.
ehh I try to keep it slow, 18kph is the only aggro thing I really use.. 2-4 hours per account.. even the accounts I have that haven't done anything for the better part of a week that i use to log in, catch a 100iv 'mon and log out again then place a 96 hour cooldown on before logging in again wind up getting a suspension..
Alright this has become a flame wars post, I am closing this thread, and if another one sprouts up in the same manner, those responsible will be muted.. A little respect for forum rules goes a long way. And yes @Elrandhir I am referring to your flame/doom and gloom posts, you are making statements without any validation nor factual information, and this just becomes damaging to the community and counter productive.