I bot on FFXIV, because they rarely seem to ban anyone. Warcraft is also my main-squeeze, so if my FFXIV account gets banned--oh well. So far it hasn't.
I've been using the FFXIV bot for rotations, and it does do some noticeable botting actions, but that might be from the routines I'm using. For example, one feature makes my character auto-face the target, and it can look really ridiculous to be running out of a dangerous AoE only to have your character make a 180 degree turn and start running back into it. Maybe non-botters would just think I'm being an idiot, but if I saw another player do that I would automatically assume they're botting.
Another give away that I seem to have that is a player problem. Is that given a robot to play my rotation, I tend to socialize with all my free hands. So I'll talk a bit when it looks like my character is maximizing every cooldown.
I felt like the above information might be more what you wanted to hear, but as for more additional information. I've used the bot for probably a year now, and I've gone on 2-3 week streaks of non-stop botting. Only stopping when a new patch hits/RBB doesn't work, or servers are down. I also play on one of the most populated realms (Gigamesh), so there's certainly people around. My average botting time would probably be 8 hours per day. I don't have a problem with strangers very much, but because of my social nature I mentioned above I often find myself becoming part of big Free Companies, Linkshells, and seeing my friend's list fill up. I like to assume most of them are oblivious to my botting habits, and I'll sometimes take a night off to keep up the illusion of being a normal non-botting player. However, they do tend to whisper me from time to time. Ask me how I'm doing, if I need help questing, or want better gear. Which is very kind of them, but if I don't respond then I wonder if they'll figure me out. However, all of that can be avoided if you're just anti-social.
So back to the people who get banned! I have noticed a few getting banned over the months I've been playing, but my general opinion is that they're the reckless kids who get a bot, and just push it to its limits. The people who have no shame running in an obvious bot train. Hell, I've even seen someone admit to their group that they botted when confronted about their rotation. Sometimes people will watch your rotation and ask you questions about it. Best answer is to learn a little, and just pretend you know what you're doing. This one guy just flat out said he was botting his rotation to his party. So you always gotta watch your words.
Another thing to avoid is gathering resources nodes when there are other people also gathering those resources. A few times when I was gathering silver I would get messages from the other people gathering silver. They were more polite, and just complaining about how grindy the game can be. I doubt any of them assumed I was a bot, but if you're not gonna monitor your whispers you should gather in areas that don't have people.
Suffice to say, there's certainly a lot of retarded ways to get caught for botting, and I've seen more than a handful of people called out for it while in-game. I have no idea if they were reported or not, because if I can't be bothered to play my rotation--why would I would I bother to follow-up on some stranger? Play smart, stay safe, and don't report other botters. (You can give them advice though).